WINDOWS LIVE OFFICE LIVE SKY DRIVE WEB MAILMOODLE GALLERY Windows Live offers a suite of Applications with an impressive amount of storage.
Office Live workspace supports Office Tools and provides around 5 gigs of personal space. You can add files, create, edit and store documents. Power Point, Publisher, Access and Excel can all be used and stored on Office Live. There is really no more need for flash drives or saving to the “S” drive.
Windows Sky Drive allows approximately 25 gigs of storage. Users can create files and folders for storage (like on Office Live) but they can also create a Space. A Space is not a social Network, (like My Space or Face Book) but you can create a unique space, invite friends, and control who has access to different files you have stored. Classroom teachers use the Sky Drive to post assignments for students, post reading lists and the like.
Student Gallery
Web Mail
The District Instructional Technology (IT) Team has set up a Live! Account for most students However, in order for it to work, you have to Activate your account If you have not already activated your Live! Account, watch the ppt on the MHS Library Web page and get it activated.
1.When you successfully access your WindowsLive! account, go to: Add People Your Name Click on: Add people Your name will appear in 2 places on your account
2. Select the option: Add by address Your Name Add: an address
3. You will get a message like the one below: You’re inviting Peggy Christensen Your Name Click the drop down menu and select: Friend Notice that both of these options are selected Click on: Send Invitation to add someone to your list
The Screen shot Below shows the Windows Live Home page. To customize your profile and invite people to be part of your network, click on the Profile Menu.
Clicking on the Profile Menu takes you to a page like the one below. To customize or edit your Space, select it from the Menu
A sample screen shot of your Space page is below. Notice there are a lot of edit buttons that allow you to edit.
Clicking on the More Menu – Drops down another menu with the SkyDrive on it. Go to the SkyDrive to create your folders and save documents.
Sample of a SkyDrive page. Notice where you can: create Folders, Add Files, store ppts, etc. Also note some can be shared by everyone, and some have locks that control the number of people with whom you share.
One other thing....
Changing your Password For security reasons it may be necessary for you to change your password. To do that begin by going to your Home page. (see example below) Select: Options (on the right hand side of the page) Select this Options button Do NOT select this one From the Drop Down Menu Select: More options
Under the word: Account is the word Password Click on the word Password and follow the steps
ppt created: October 2009 by p. christensen Last Updated: