Marketo Training Questions: Jeff Barrus
Contents Introduction – 3 Logging Into Marketo – 8 Marketo Dashboard – 11 Marketo Programs – 13 Setting up an Event Invitation – 24 Sending an Newsletter – 75
Introduction Marketo is the Wilson Center’s new marketing automation system. It is used for the following functions: – Sending newsletters – Sending event invitations, as well as automating registration and check-in – Tracking contact (or lead) engagement
Leads Marketo is built around around a database of contacts or leads. The address field is used as a unique identifier for leads – a lead can be in the system multiple times if they register through multiple addresses. Marketing communication is automatically suspended for leads with invalid addresses.
Lists Lists are the primary means of sending communications through Marketo. Leads are segmented into multiple lists based on a nearly unlimited set of criteria. Some lists can be self-subscribing, so users can add and remove themselves at-will through an online form. Other lists are static, meaning that the lists are curated by Wilson Center Staff. – Note: Can-spam laws state that leads must always be given the option of unsubscribing themselves from ALL Wilson Center communications, even from static lists.
Newsletters The term “ newsletter” is used to describe any marketing sent to promote Wilson Center research and activities. A newsletter can be a short that includes links to download Wilson Center content, or longer s featuring more detailed information about Wilson Center activities. newsletters must always include clear calls to action (Download Now, View Now, etc.).
Event Invitations Event invitations are s sent with the purpose of inviting a contact to attend an event. The single call to action in an event invitation is to RSVP NOW. A series of automated follow-up s have been created to increase the likelihood of event attendance.
Logging Into Marketo Marketo is accessed by logging in through
Entering Your Credentials If you don’t have a Marketo login, Please contact for a Marketo
Please Do Not Share Your Login We ask that Wilson Center staff do not share their login credentials with interns or other staff. All Marketo users must be given their own Marketo login, including interns.
The Marketo Dashboard Although there are many areas available in the Marketo Dashboard, most work is done under the Marketing Activities tab:
Campaign Folders Each Wilson Center program or institute should have its own Marketo campaign folder. It’s here that you’ll be doing most of your work:
Marketo Programs Automated marketing activities in Marketo are referred to as “programs.” – These are not to be confused with Wilson Center programs. Although there are many types of programs in Marketo, the Wilson Center uses the following: – Default (for general blasts) – Event Marketo programs reside inside of campaign folders.
Marketo Programs Make Things Happen As stated before, programs are automated marketing activities. They allow you to: – Send a simple blast – Send an event invitation, as well as automated follow-ups – Register leads for events – “Drip” out content to leads over a specified period of time based on how those leads engage with the Wilson Center
Default Marketo Programs Several out of the box Marketo program templates have already been created for your Wilson Center program or institute: – Event Invitation – Panel with Keynote – Event Invitation – Panel without Keynote – Event Invitation – Single Speaker – Newsletter – Single Column
Additional Marketo Programs If you don’t see a Marketo program that fits your needs, please contact We can create a program for almost any marketing activity you can think of – we will work with you to make sure you have all the program templates you need to send your marketing communications.
When All Else Fails … If you are not comfortable running Marketo programs yourself, the COMM’s team is always happy to assist you.
Inside Marketo Programs There are several directories and files inside of a Marketo program:
Program Directories: Assets Program Assets include all of the file types used to distribute content and collect information from leads: – s: all of the s in the program – Forms: all of the forms used to collect information from leads – Landing pages: the Marketo web pages where leads go to download content or fill out forms – Lists: the dynamic lists of leads used to send s and track engagement throughout the program
Marketo Event Programs: s The following s are included in most event programs: – Invitation 1: the initial invite sent out to the entire list – Invitation 2: the second invite sent out as a reminder to members of the list who have not registered – Confirmation: a confirmation sent to list members who have registered for the event – Reminder: reminder for registered attendees of an event – Follow-up for Not Attended: post-event with links to media and resources – Follow-up for Attended: post-event with links to media and resources
Marketo Event Programs: Forms All event programs contain a registration form for the event. The included fields are First Name*, Last Name*, Address*, Title and Organization. Marketo uses dynamic forms – if we already have information on a lead in the default fields, it will automatically swap them for empty fields. – * denotes required fields
Marketo Event Programs: Landing Pages Each Marketo event program contains the following landing pages: – Registration: the page that contains the registration form for the event – Confirmation: the confirmation page that automatically loads after a lead registers for an event
Program Directories: Campaigns Smart campaigns are composed of the automation “logic” that allows the programs to run. Usually smart campaigns are built out in a series of steps, located in the Progressions directory: 1.01.Send Invitations – sends the initial blast along with any follow-up communications 2.02.Registered – used to register a lead for an event 3.03.Attended – used to change the lead to an “attended” status and send a follow-up after the event Not Attended – used to change the lead to a “not attended” status and send a follow-up after the event.
Setting Up an Event Invitation Find the program template in your directory that fits your current marketing goal. For this exercise, we’ll choose an event with a single speaker:
Clone the Program Template Right-click the program template you want to use and select Clone from the menu:
Clone Event: Clone to Location Choose A Campaign Folder in the Clone To drop-down list:
Clone Event: Folder For Folder select your Wilson Center program folder for events:
Clone Event: Name Enter a name and date for your event:
Clone Event: Create When you are satisfied with the new event’s settings, click “Create”:
Event Creation The new event and all of its assets and campaigns will now appear in your directory:
Setting Up Your Event In Marketo, content and design are completely separate – you will not edit the HTML of your s or landing pages. Event details are stored in fields called “Tokens” – these fields automatically populate the program s and landing pages with content and preserve the format of the original template.
Token Checklist Before you begin setting up your programs in Marketo, you first need to have all the information necessarily to fill out the token fields: 1.Subject line for Invitation 1 2.Subject line for Invitation 2 (invitation 2 is sent to leads who did not register when the first invitation was sent) 3.Event Title 4.Event Description 5.Event Date (in this format: Monday, January 1, 2020) 6.Event Time (in this format: 10am – 12:30pm) 7.Event Location – the room at the Wilson Center where the event will take place 8.Intro Speaker 9.Intro Speaker Title 10.Event Speaker 11.Event Speaker Title 12.Moderator 13.Moderator Title 14.RSVP Link – this is the link to the Marketo landing page – we will show you how to get this on the next page. 15.Link to Wilson Center Event Page – the link to the event page on the Wilson Center web site. 16.Post Event Resources – the resources you expect to be available following the event (Transcript, video, audio podcast, etc.) 17.Current Year
Access My Tokens Once you have all your content in the token checklist, click on the My Tokens tab in your current Marketo program menu:
Enter Your Event Information Double-click on each token field and enter the requested information:
Check Your Assets Once all the information has been entered into the tokens, click on each and landing page and choose “Preview” to make sure all the event information is correct:
Campaign Progressions There are four progression steps in the campaign progression: – 01. Send Invitations – 02. Registered – 03. Attended – 04. Not Attended The only two steps you need to be concerned with now are the Send Invitations and Registered steps. Attended and Not Attended are both used after the event.
Activating Registered Step Registered must always be activated first. The Registered step is what enables the event’s registration form to work. If it is not activated, the campaign will not work correctly once the is sent. To activate, click on Registered inside the Campaigns > Progressions folder.
Setting Up Reminder for Registered Attendees Every registered attendee should receive an reminder for the event. You will need to manually set the day and time the is sent to registered attendees. To do this, first click on the Flow tab:
The Marketo Flow Tab
Understanding Flow The flow tab shows every step the campaign will execute after the lead fills out the registration form: Step 1: The lead’s program status changes from invited to registered. Step 2: After the lead’s status changes to registered, they receive a confirmation . Step 2: The system waits a pre-determined period of time (it defaults to 1 week). Step 3: The system sends a reminder to every registered attendee one week after they register.
Changing the Wait Step We don’t want the registered attendee to receive a reminder a week after they register, because that week could be after the event actually occurs. We want to send a reminder to every registered attendee 48 hours before the event is scheduled to occur.
Changing the Wait Step (Continued) To do this, click on the cog icon next to the duration of the wait step:
Setting the Wait Time Enter a date and time 48 hours before the start of the event – Under duration type, select Date – For date, select a day 48 hours before the start of the event:
Setting Wait Time (Continued) For the time field, have the go out at 8:00am and click save:
Activating Registered Step With the set to send, you can now activate the Registered step. Select 02.Registered in the file tree and click on the Schedule tab in the dashboard:
Activating Registered (Continued) Click the “Activate” button:
Activating Registered (Continued) Click “Activate” in the dialogue box that pops up:
Verifying “Registered” is Activated The light bulb icon next to 02.Registered should now be lit, indicating that the campaign has been activated:
Sending a Test Campaign Before you send your final invitation, you should first test the campaign to make sure it’s working correctly. To do this, you should make a test version of 01.Send Invitations.
Copy “01.Send Invitations” To create a test copy, right-click on 01.Send Invitations and select Clone:
Copying 01.Send Invitations (Continued) Select Same Program in Clone To select list. Name campaign: 00.Test Send Invitations
Copying 01.Send Invitations (Continued) Click Clone:
Sending Test Campaign First we need to adjust the smart list so it is not sending to leads and only to you. Do this first by clicking on Smart List in the campaign dashboard for 00.Test Send Invitations:
Remove Smart List Filter Delete the Member of Smart List filter by clicking on the “X” icon:
Add Address filter Drag over the Address filter to the pasteboard from Filters > Lead Attributes > Address on the right side of the dashboard.
Enter Your Address Into the Filter Enter your address in the “ Address” field of the filter (you will need to make sure it auto-populates from the database):
Update the Wait Time in the Flow In order to test the second invitation, we will need to update the Wait step in the flow tab:
Change Wait Time to 3 Minutes
Activate the Test Campaign The moment we’ve been waiting for – it’s time to activate the test campaign. Click on the Schedule tab:
Run Campaign Once Click the Run Once icon just below the list of tabs:
Run Now Make sure Run Now is selected in the dialogue box and click Run:
Fill Out Registration Form Once the arrives, wait three minutes for the second invitation. Once the second invitation arrives, click the RSVP link and register. Please confirm that every step works correctly before moving on to the final version of the campaign.
Prepare Target Audience Smartlist It’s time to prepare your list for sending -- click on Target Audience List in the Lists folder:
Target Audience (Continued) Click on the Smart List tab:
Target Audience (Continued) You will see a list of filters that is used to segment the database: Please DO NOT adjust the settings for the “Unsubscribed” filter. This prevents the from being sent to leads who have unsubscribed from our database and should not be changed.
Target Audience (Continued) Click on the right drop-down list in the Member of List filter and select the list you would like to target:
Target Audience – Adding More Lists If you would like to target additional lists, drag the Member of List filter (located under Special Filters) onto the paste board from the filters list on the right side of the dashboard:
Target Audience – Adding Additional Lists You can add as many target lists as you want. Any duplicate leads will only receive the once. – Note: Please make sure to check with another program before targeting members of one of their lists.
Setting Up 01.Send Invitations Now we’re ready to set up the 01.Send Invitations campaign. Click on 01.Send Invitations:
Preparing 01.Send Invitations Click on “Smart List” tab and confirm that the campaign will be sending to the correct smartlist: – Event Program Name.Target Audience List
Preparing the Invitation Flow Just as with the Registration campaign, we must also adjust the flow for the Invitation campaign. The invitation sends out two s – the first is the initial invite, the second is an additional invite for individuals who have not registered. Just as before, the default is to wait one week between sending the first and second invitations.
Event Flow The flow for your event should look like this:
Wait a Week or Use a Custom Date and Time? If you have sufficient time, it is acceptable to leave the flow as is and wait a week between sending invitations. However, if you have less than a week between the day the invite is ed and the date of the event, then you will need to set an alternate wait time. If you decide to enter a custom wait period, please refer to the example of how it was done with the Registration campaign progression.
Launch Final Campaign Click on 01.Send Invitations Click on Schedule tab Click Run Once Select the run time (either Run Now, or schedule at a later date) Click Run.
Sending an Newsletter To create an Newsletter, first locate Newsletter – Single Column program template in your program’s newsletters folder:
Clone Newsletter Template Right-click on the newsletter program and click on Clone:
Fill Out Clone Program Dialogue Box Chose A Campaign Folder from the Clone to drop-down. Select your program newsletter folder in the folder drop-down select list. Fill out the name and date of the newsletter in the name field.
Dialogue Box - Completed The dialogue box should look like this: Click Create
Populate With Content by Filling Out My Tokens Click on the new campaign you just cloned. Click on the “My Tokens” tab. Fill out the token fields:
Activate Campaign Progressions Open the Campaigns > Progressions folder Inside there are two campaigns: – 01 Opened – 02 Clicked Link These are progression campaigns that help track recipient actions. They will both need to be activated.
Activate Campaign Progressions (Continued) One at a time, click on each of the two progressions Click on the Schedule tab for each:
Click Activate for Each On the Schedule tab, click the activate button:
Confirm Progressions Active Once both progression steps are active, the lightbulb next to each name will be lit:
Send a Test Before mailing to the entire list, you will want to send a test . To do this, you will need to create a test campaign.
Creating a Test Campaign Right-click on Campaigns > Send Select Clone from the menu options:
Creating a Test Campaign (Continued) Make sure Same Program is selected in the Clone To drop-down menu Enter “Test Send ” as the campaign name.
Creating a Test Campaign (Continued) Click Clone
Update Smart List for Test Send Select the new Test Send campaign and click on the Smart List tab:
Remove the Previous Member of Smart List Filter Remove the Member of Smart List filter by clicking on the “X” icon in the top right corner:
Find the Address filter Drag the Filters > Lead Attributes > Address filter from the list of triggers and filters on the right side of the dashboard to the pasteboard:
Enter Your Address Enter your address in the filter’s field (you will need to make sure it autopopulates from the database):
Run Test Campaign Click on the Schedule tab: Click Run Once:
Check Your Check your to see if the was delivered correctly. Click on any links in the to make sure they’re working. If there are any problems, make corrections in your tokens and run the Test Send campaign again.
Prepare Target Audience List Click on Target Audience list Click on Smart List tab Select your list from the Member of List drop- down menu:
Target Audience – Adding More Lists If you would like to target additional lists, drag the Member of List filter (located under Special Filters) on to the paste board from the filters list on the right side of the dashboard and select the list you would like to add:
Schedule the Now we’re ready to send. Click on the Send campaign in the program directory:
Schedule the (Continued) Click on the Schedule tab: Click Run Once:
Run the Campaign Select when you want to run the campaign (Run Now, or enter a date and time) Click Run:
Questions or Issues? Please contact the COMM’s team if you have any issues or questions regarding Marketo: – – x4041