The Strained State Cosmology Angelo Tartaglia Politecnico di Torino and INFN
2 “Elastic” continua xμxμ XaXa ξaξa r r’ N+n N N April PONT-2011 Avignon
3 Space-time defect Flat reference frame Curved natural frame April PONT-2011 Avignon
4 Strained space-time dr 0 dr unstrained strained gg Strain tensor April PONT-2011 Avignon
5 Physical relevance of the strain In a continuum, strain is associated with stress Strain and stress correspond to a deformation energy Defects can fix the global symmetry Strain is originated by the presence of matter/energy or by defects April PONT-2011 Avignon
6 Isotropic medium Lamé coefficients April PONT-2011 Avignon Elastic energy
7 The Lagrangian density “Kinetic” term Potential term Geometry April PONT-2011 Avignon
8 Robertson-Walker symmetry z r r l l =f(r) April PONT-2011 Avignon
September 6, 2010ERE Granada 9 The Hubble parameter A. Tartaglia and N. Radicella, CQG, 27, (2010)
10 10 Fitting the data (307 SnIa) April PONT-2011 Avignon
September 6, 2010ERE Granada 11 Other cosmological tests Primordial nucleosynthesis (correct proportion between He, D and hydrogen) CMB spectrum Structure formation after the recombination era.
12 Bayesian posterior probability April PONT-2011 Avignon
13 Optimal value of the parameters N. Radicella, M. Sereno, A. Tartaglia, IJMPD, 20, n. 3 (2011) April PONT-2011 Avignon
14 Schwarzschild symmetry Natural frame Reference frame (Minkowski) Gauge function April PONT-2011 Avignon
15 The strain tensor
16 Weak strain April PONT-2011 Avignon
17 Approximate solutions , = functions of, ~, April PONT-2011 Avignon
18 Post-Keplerian circular orbits Looks like the effect of dark matter Light rays April PONT-2011 Avignon
19 Conclusion The strained space-time theory introduces a strain energy of vacuum depending on curvature The theory accounts for the accelerated expansion of the universe and is consistent with BBN, structure formation and SnIa’s The strain affects free fall also in spherically symmetric stationary space- times April PONT-2011 Avignon
References A. Tartaglia and N. Radicella, CQG, 27, (2010) N. Radicella, M. Sereno, A. Tartaglia, IJMPD, 20, n. 3 (in press) 2011