3/17/2008AMATS: Anchorage Metropolitan Transportation Solutions AMATS Air Quality Advisory Committee Informational Update March18, 2008
3/17/2008AMATS: Anchorage Metropolitan Transportation Solutions Scope of Work Update AMATS Public Participation Plan (PPP) Anchorage on the Move –Review Anchorage on the Move –Comply with requirements of SAFETEA-LU and Others –Develop Public Involvement Plan (PIP) for AMATS PPP stakeholder consultation –Use and evaluate outreach tools while preparing AMATS PPP
3/17/2008AMATS: Anchorage Metropolitan Transportation Solutions Contract Deliverables Technical Memos –Evaluation of Anchorage on the Move –Goals, Objectives, Policies & Measures of Effectiveness –Evaluation Methodology for Public Participation Plan Draft & Final Documents –Public Involvement Plan (PIP) –Public Participation Plan (PPP) Public Contact Database
3/17/2008AMATS: Anchorage Metropolitan Transportation Solutions Schedule November NTP received November January Background, review, preparation February - April outreach for PPP Update May produce draft AMATS PPP June/July public review/approval
3/17/2008AMATS: Anchorage Metropolitan Transportation Solutions Guidance Documents SAFETEA-LU Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Executive Orders –12372 Intergovernmental Review –12898 Environmental Justice –13166 Limited Language Proficiency –13175 Tribal Consultant/Coordination
3/17/2008AMATS: Anchorage Metropolitan Transportation Solutions Guidance Documents Other –ADOT&PF Limited Language Proficiency Plan –National Historic Preservation Act Consultation with Tribal Governments –The Millennium Agreement –ADOT&PF Tribal Consultation Policy –MOA Memorandums of Agreement and Understanding with Native Village of Eklutna –FHWA Planning Certification Review
3/17/2008AMATS: Anchorage Metropolitan Transportation Solutions SAFETEA-LU Says… Tell the public when, how and where comment can occur. Describe explicit procedures, strategies, and desired outcomes
3/17/2008AMATS: Anchorage Metropolitan Transportation Solutions SAFETEA-LU Says… For example, provide –adequate and timely public notice –time for public review and comment –reasonable opportunity to comment on the LRTP and the TIP –reasonable access to information about transportation issues and processes –Information available in electronically accessible formats –Employ visualization techniques
3/17/2008AMATS: Anchorage Metropolitan Transportation Solutions SAFETEA-LU Says… Hold meetings at convenient and accessible locations and times Seek out and consider needs of those traditionally underserved by existing transportation systems Demonstrate consideration & response to public input Provide additional opportunity for public comment, if the final LRTP or TIP differs significantly from the version that was made available for public comment
3/17/2008AMATS: Anchorage Metropolitan Transportation Solutions SAFETEA-LU Says… Coordinate with the statewide transportation planning public involvement and consultation processes; Review the effectiveness of the procedures and strategies
3/17/2008AMATS: Anchorage Metropolitan Transportation Solutions Review of Current Public Involvement Plan Anchorage on the Move –Public Participation Program –Citizens Handbook –Tip Sheets
3/17/2008AMATS: Anchorage Metropolitan Transportation Solutions Early recommendations and actions Implement outreach for PIP using new tools
3/17/2008AMATS: Anchorage Metropolitan Transportation Solutions Update Outreach Methods
3/17/2008AMATS: Anchorage Metropolitan Transportation Solutions Update Contact Database Temporary site to allow folks to subscribe to AMATS updates and take survey. Complies with CAN- SPAM Act
3/17/2008AMATS: Anchorage Metropolitan Transportation Solutions Customize Outreach
3/17/2008AMATS: Anchorage Metropolitan Transportation Solutions Require Project Updates Staff has implemented our recommendation to use a template for project updates and decisions to assist in providing enhanced access to information.
3/17/2008AMATS: Anchorage Metropolitan Transportation Solutions Key Elements of Outreach Strategic Advisory Group Focus Groups Consultation with User Groups Piggyback on existing meetings –Boards and Commissions –Mayor’s Town Hall & Project Fairs –Alaska Trucking Association Board Meetings –Spring Health Fairs –Others
3/17/2008AMATS: Anchorage Metropolitan Transportation Solutions What feedback are we receiving? Current advisory groups may not be effective or representative Current processes are “opaque” Include visualizations, such as a map of projects with TIP Make information accessible Staffing and resources need to match the plan to ensure its implementation
3/17/2008AMATS: Anchorage Metropolitan Transportation Solutions Feedback to Team Do you have suggestions for the team as we continue our work to prepare the public participation plan? Questions? When would you like an update?