Text #ICANN51 GAC / GNSO Joint Meeting 12 October 2014
Text #ICANN51 Agenda Report from CG Introduction from Liaison Current work of mutual interest o IGO/INGO o CWG on transition o GNSO Review
Text #ICANN51 GAC-GNSO Consultation Group On GAC Early Engagement in GNSO PDP 12 October 2014 Los Angeles Progress Report
Text #ICANN51 Overview Background Status update from GAC / GNSO CG o Two work tracks o Outcomes from survey o Expectations of the Liaison Further work plans Discussion and desired outcomes for ICANN 51
Text #ICANN51 Background GAC-GNSO Consultation Group (CG) To address GAC early engagement in GNSO Policy Development Process (PDP) Early engagement identified by both Accountability and Transparency Review Teams (ATRT1 Rec. 12, ATRT2 Rec. 10.2) Group commenced work Q Two work tracks - Day-to-day co-ordination - PDP engagement
Text #ICANN51 Work Track I (Team 1) Mechanisms for day-to-day ongoing cooperation First recommendation implemented as pilot project for FY2015: GNSO Liaison to the GAC Focus is now on: A.GAC / GNSO Chairs regular interaction B.Rethinking recurring joint meetings C.Early awareness & notification
Text #ICANN51 Work Track II (Team 2) GAC early engagement in GNSO PDP Look at 6 phases of the current GNSO PDP 1. Issue Scoping 2. Initiation 3. Working Group 4. Council Deliberations 5. Board Vote 6. Implementation Initial focus on early phases i.e. 1 & 2
Text #ICANN51 Survey of GAC members On-line survey for GAC members => 29 responsessurvey Aim: Evaluate communication mechanisms for awareness, usefulness and possible improvement 1. Policy Update – monthly Policy Update 2. GAC Early Engagement Policy Documents – monthly GAC Early Engagement Policy Documents 3. Policy Update Webinar (takes place prior to every ICANN meeting) – 3 times/year 4. Requests for input from GNSO PDP WGs – ongoing 5. Participation in GNSO WGs – ongoing 6. Announcements from GNSO Secretariat – ongoing 7. GNSO Background Briefings - Just pre ICANN meeting
Text #ICANN51 Survey: Issues Identified Volume of activities Number of simultaneous PDPs Timeline Lack of both understanding and/or ability to participate in GNSO working groups Frequency of GNSO working group meetings (some twice a week for months, others every two weeks) makes it difficult for bureaucrats to participate
Text #ICANN51 Survey: Suggestions Highlight Public Policy aspect of a given issue Indicate relationship between a policy initiative and existing GAC advice More frequent policy updates Direct engagement with and follow-up with the GAC, GAC Executive and Secretariat Make clear what stage the GNSO work is in, which relates to the issue of knowing when/how to contribute Regular feedback on outcome of PDP process, including a summary of previous processes More inter-committee relationships
Text #ICANN51 Survey: Suggestions (Continued) Home page quick link to "Main Policy Activities“ Highlighting policy activities which require liaison with and significant inputs from the GAC and expected potential degree of interest e.g. GAC should be aware / discussion with GAC expected / requires GAC public policy input GAC website mirror this description of cross-community policy interest and provide links to the GNSO summaries
Text #ICANN51 GNSO Liaison to the GAC Mason Cole appointed Pilot - one year starting at ICANN 51 in Los Angeles Evaluated after one year
Text #ICANN51 GNSO-GAC Liaison Overview 12 October 2014 Mason Cole
Text #ICANN51 Mason’s Background ICANN Leadership Secretary, RrSG ( ) Chair, RrSG ( ) GNSO Councilor ( ) GNSO Council Vice Chair ( ) Current Working Group Roles Implementation Advisory Group for Competition, Consumer Choice and Consumer Trust Cross Community WG on Use of Country Codes and Territory Names GNSO New gTLDs Subsequent Rounds Discussion Group
Text #ICANN51 Purpose of Liaison Role Objectives Facilitate flow of information between GNSO and GAC Particularly to ensure the GAC informed So he GAC can determine when “public policy” implications exist Assist with engagement of GAC in GNSO processes Methods Neutrally and objectively represent and communicate GNSO policy work Provide timely updates to the GAC on GNSO policy development activities Guide the GAC in opportunities for early engagement in GNSO work Ensure the GAC’s ongoing understanding of GNSO methods and processes Provide GNSO with regular updates on GAC activities, specifically in so far as these relate to issues of interest to the GNSO Work closely with GAC-GNSO Consultation Group to develop early engagement mechanics
Text #ICANN51 Questions How does the GAC learn about opportunities for policy input? Where / when can the GAC provide policy input? How does the GAC go about providing that input?
Text #ICANN51 How does the GAC learn about opportunities for policy input? Announcements from GNSO Secretariat Requests for input from GNSO PDP Working Groups Participation in GNSO Working Groups GAC Early Engagement Policy Documents licy+Documents monthly licy+Documents GNSO Background Briefings 13mar14-en.pdf) - issued monthly 13mar14-en.pdf Policy Update - monthly Policy Update Webinar (takes place prior to every ICANN meeting) 3 times per year
Text #ICANN51 How does the GAC learn about opportunities for policy input?
Text #ICANN51 Information Provided to the GAC GAC Survey reveals members don’t suffer from lack of information Difficulty is prioritization of information Should be assisted in future by: GNSO liaison to the GAC Work of CG on enhanced day-to- day cooperation
Text #ICANN51 The Liaison Liaison is not the total solution Primarily an information conduit from GNSO to GAC Work still to be done by the CG to assist GAC GAC must identify ways to effectively engage with the GNSO
Text #ICANN51 Overall ecosystem GNSO policy development is active PDPs run in parallel Multiple vehicles for informing GAC, including the Liaison Multiple opportunities for GAC engagement Need methodology for providing GAC input
Text #ICANN51 Looking ahead Consultation Group to review input received in Los Angeles (Open F2F meeting from 18h30 – 19h30 in Constellation) Continue implementation of pilot project for the GNSO Liaison to the GAC Further develop recommendations for other items aiming to present for future GAC / GNSO review / approval
Text #ICANN51 Desired outcomes Feedback and discussion of the work of the CG Shared understanding and expectation of GNSO Liaison to the GAC Agreement on route ahead
Text #ICANN51 Questions & Discussions