Start Loading Form Codes IF Exit Unloading form codes Exit Event Handler Codes IF Exit End Note: From the Strokerreader Script, I came up with this skeleton flow chart. There are seemingly 3 (sub) methods that to work together (probably in this order) to push information through. This is a just a start. Please provide your input if you see something wrong.
Start End Close up of the flow.
Begin sr.Port = 3 'Check your PC's serial port number! sr.BaudRate = 9600 ' common barcode scanners: 9600-n-8-1! sr.Parity = NOPARITY sr.DataBits = 8 sr.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT sr.DataMode = Text ‘ incoming data as text strings not byte arrays sr.RecvIntervalTimeout = 100 ‘allow for whole barcode retrieval sr.Connected = True 'Attach the ActiveX to serial port serial port error? Yes No Exit MsgBox sr.ErrorDescription Loading Form Flow Chart Unloading Form Flow Chart Begin sr = Nothing 'Destroy the serial port ActiveX when form is unloading Exit A closer look at the methods and how information flows inside each one.
Begin ByVal Evt As StrokeReaderLib.Event ByVal data As Variant Yes No Exit The serial port event handler - Flow Chart Evt = EVT_DATA ? Yes s = Replace(data, Chr(13), "") 'Remove sequence s = Replace (s, Chr(10), "“) s = Replace(s, Chr(2), "") s = Replace(s, Chr(3), "") Forms[Asset Details - Comm Port] 'Search the received barcode in the table Found match? Me.LastSeen = Now() Me.Refresh Output Message: "ID " + s + " not found. Copying that number to the clipboard - please assign to an existing or new part."