Asexual Reproduction –Asexual Reproduction- Process by which a SINGLE organism produces offspring that have the same genetic material. –Binary Fission- asexual reproduction that occurs in single celled organisms in which genetic material is copied and one cell divides into two identical daughter cells. EX: Bacteria reproduce this way, and Yeast
Asexual Reproduction Binary Fission Budding- an organism grows a part of of its main body and this new growth eventually breaks off to become a new organism. Ex: Hydra (simple animal similar to jelly fish)
Asexual Reproduction Binary Fission Budding Fragmentation- Fragmentation is a form of asexual reproduction where a new organism grows from a fragment of the parent. Each fragment develops into a mature, fully grown individual. Ex: Starfish, and some fungi.
Mycelium Fruiting body
What are three types of Asexual reproduction?
Sexual Reproduction Sexual Reproduction- Type of reproduction in which male and female reproductive cells combine to form new offspring with genetic material from both parents. ***Offspring has genetic material from each parent which creates- Offspring is NOT identical to parent!
+ Mating type (N) - Mating type (N)
Advantages of Sexual and Asexual Reproduction AsexualSexual Don’t have to find a mate Faster Able to produce more offspring Genetic Variation
Disadvantages of Sexual and Asexual Reproduction AsexualSexual No genetic variation!Must find a mate Takes longer Reproduce less often
Cell Division
Ever think about how things grow? How do your fingernails grow? How does your hair grow longer? How does a flower get taller? How does the mycelium of a fungus reach farther? Where does this new material come from?
Cell Division Cell division is a process by which a cell divides into two or more cells, called daughter cells. Your body is constantly making new cells to replace old ones!
Cell Division Mitosis- Division of the nucleus in eukaryotic cells in which each cell receives a copy of the original chromosomes. –Chromosome- organized structure of DNA and protein that forms in the cell nucleus during cell division –Homologous chromosome- chromosomes with matching information.
Homologous chromosomes Cells must copy the genetic information in the nucleus before it divides into two nuclei. Therefore you have homologous chromosomes! (two chromosomes with matching information.)
Remember: DNA is found in the nucleus. It is organized into a chromosome before it is copied.
The result is two identical daughter cells with the same number of chromosomes
Plants grow from the tips out by constantly making new cells!
Meiosis is the division of the nucleus in eukaryotic cells in which each cell receives half a set of genetic information. Meiosis results in the production of egg or sperm cells.
Meiosis is the production of sex cells. Meiosis reduces the amount of chromosomes in half Half the number of chromosomes = haploid cells or sex cells The result of meiosis is 4 haploid cells or sex cells Male sex cells = sperm Female sex cells = egg
Cell Division