For the next two weeks, we will be working in the World Conflict Paper. You must continue research out of class and bring your work to class every day to show your progress! You must bring a package of 3” x 5” or 4” x 6” lined index cards to class. You can share with a couple of people. You will need at least 20 cards. You must bring the sources that you’ve collected so far to class EVERY DAY.
Why are we doing this? This type of paper makes you look analytically at a world issue, find authoritative information, and examine how a variety of genres can provide insight into a conflict. It provides an opportunity for meaningful research. You will learn about an important topic that interests you. It allows us to examine different sources and identify which ones are reliable. This is an important skill. Don’t be a sucker! Be a skeptic when you’re bombarded with information! It is structured writing practice. Organize your thoughts and information!
Source Card Label each card. Write your complete MLA citation here. Some websites do it for you. Earnhardt, Dale. “Driving Crazy.” Drivers of America Mar March Notice the indentation! That goes for every line but the first in an MLA citation.
V. Information (Earnhardt) The Roman Numeral Topic from your outline First write the technique you will use. Then exemplify the technique. For ex, if you are using a statistic, write statistic and then write the statistic you will use. Now, write the source (author or title) so you can cite it in your paper. This is very important! Statistic 7/10 adults agree that the driving age should be raised to 18 years of age.
II. Implications The (Roman Numeral and) topic from your outline A direct quote from one source. Put direct quotes “in quotes” The citation. According to police chief John Smith, “teenage drivers under the age of eighteen are 5 times more likely to get into a car accident than older drivers.” (Doe)
II. Implications The (Roman Numeral and) topic from your outline A paraphrase from one source. Let’s say instead of using the direct quote from the last slide, you wanted to use a paraphrase INSTEAD. Look at this sample. The citation. According to police chief John Smith, statistics show that car accidents that involve teens under eighteen occur more often than car accidents with teens over eighteen. In fact, if you are under eighteen, you are 5 times more likely to be in an accident. (Doe)
III. Concepts The (Roman Numeral and) topic from your outline A direct quote from your second source. Put direct quotes “in quotes” The citation.
IV. Point of View The (Roman Numeral and) topic from your outline A paraphrase from your second source different from your quotation. The citation.
IV. Point of View The (Roman Numeral and) topic from your outline A direct quote from your third source. Be sure it is reliable. Use sources from databases in the Elliott pathfinder (on Von’s website). Put direct quotes “in quotes” Citation.
V. Information The (Roman Numeral and) topic from your outline A paraphrase from your third source different from your quotation on the last card. If you have a fourth source, feel free to use it here. Citation
V. Information The Roman Numeral and topic from your outline Write your proposed solution to the problem. Should the law change? Should it stay the same? Should it be amended? If someone else proposed a solution that you think would work, quote them here or use a paraphrase (That means put what they said in your own words. Don’t forget, you still must credit them!) If you are using a quote or paraphrase, write the citation. Make sure you have the source card to match.
Notecards with info that supports POINT OF VIEW Notecards with info that supports QUESTION AT ISSUE Notecards with info that supports CONCEPTS Then, begin thinking about how your paper will be put together. Decide which facts or quotes might be more interesting to a reader. What’s most interesting to you? You may want to use an interesting fact or quote in your introduction. You should only use the information that will help you explain all aspects of this conflict and offer different perspectives. Next week, you will sort through your cards and figure out how to use this information in an essay that is your own. When you’ve gone through all your sources, you’ll have at least TWENTY notecards, filled with info and where you got it from. You might organize it like this. Notecards with info that supports INFORMATION Notecards with info that supports INTERPRETA TIONS/ CONSEQUEN CES