Step 1 HEADING John Doe 8/20/02 Period 7 A nameless masterpiece is a big, fat ZERO in the gradebook. 1
Step 2 PAGE # John Doe 8/20/02 Period 7 Remember to add page numbers to new pages. Page 1 2
Step 3 DIVIDER John Doe 8/20/02 Period 7 Your notes will go on the right of the divider. Page 1 3
Step 4 TITLE John Doe 8/20/02 Period 7 The name of the class is NOT a good title for notes. Page 1 PENGUINS 4
Step 5 NOTES John Doe 8/20/02 Period 7 COMING SOON! 101 Tips on how to take good notes. Page 1 PENGUINS Ps have flat feet Better to swim with Like swim fins Ps have special blood circulation system Counter current flow Warm blood from heart warms cold blood from feet Prevents freezing 5
Step 6 QUESTION John Doe 8/20/02 Period 7 Try to come up questions your teacher will ask on upcoming tests or quizzes. Page 1 PENGUINS Ps have flat feet Better to swim with Like swim fins Ps have special blood circulation system Counter current flow Warm blood from heart warms cold blood from feet Prevents freezing Why do Ps have flat feet? What is Counter- Current flow? 6
Step 7 SUMMARY John Doe 8/20/02 Period 7 Explain what you learned at the end of your notes. Page 1 PENGUINS Ps have flat feet Better to swim with Like swim fins Ps have special blood circulation system Counter current flow Warm blood from heart warms cold blood from feet Prevents freezing Why do Ps have flat feet? What is counter -current flow? Penguins are designed for their cold, ocean habitat. They have flat feet for swimming and counter -current blood flow to stay warm. 7