M ENTOR D EVELOPMENT Session #1 October 5, 2010
W ELCOME ! D O N OW Based on what you have experienced as a mentor the past 8 weeks, please discuss with your tablemates, the question: “Why mentor?”
T HE F IVE Y EAR S TRATEGIC P LAN – G OAL #5 Recruit, employ, develop and retain an exceptional staff dedicated to and representative of Parkway’s diverse community. Measurable Objectives By Every classroom will be staffed with an effective teacher as measured by Parkway's teacher evaluation model.
H OUSE R ULES /W ORKING A GREEMENTS Restroom locations Beverages/Snacks Cell Phone Turn to vibrate/off Leave the room to use When working in groups, introduce yourself. When task is complete, thank your partner(s) Honor the time committed for the meeting Respectfully honor everyone’s voice Participate fully Assume positive intent and keep an open mind
O UR E SSENTIAL Q UESTIONS THAT GUIDE MENTORING … Unit Plan – pg. 12 Why mentor? What is a good mentor? To what extent does mentoring align with Parkway’s Mission, Vision, Commitments, and Learning Principles, Parkway’s Strategic Plan, and Teacher Evaluation?
C ONNECTING P URPOSE : BUILD COMMUNITY, PREPARE FOR LEARNING, LINK TO PRIOR EXPERIENCES With your tablemates, please discuss: Successes you have had this year as a mentor Challenges you have had this year as a mentor; please do not discuss solutions
P ASS THE P ROBLEM Please record one of the challenges you have had as a mentor one a notecard. On the signal, pass your card to someone else at your table When you receive a new card, read the challenge and propose possible solutions On the signal, repeat the process
L EARNING P URPOSE : DEVELOP, REVIEW, AND APPLY SKILLS ; UNDERSTAND CONCEPTS ; REFLECT ON PRACTICE Bridges and Barriers How do you feel about your role as a mentor? (refer to page 11 in handbook)
R OLES AND R ESPONSIBILITIES Serve as a role model in all aspects of the profession Provide support, guidance, encouragement, and assist the mentee with building processes and procedures as necessary Answer questions and serve as a resource Provide ongoing support via frequent check-ins with mentee (face-to-face, , phone, etc.) Models best practices Demonstrates a positive attitude toward teaching, learning, students, education, and professional development Coordinates a mentor/mentee release day through the district mentor coordinator Maintains mentor/mentee confidentiality
T HE C URVE W HERE IS YOUR MENTEE ? W HERE ARE YOU ? Read pages 23 – 26 What kind of support is needed during this time?
C ONSULTING, C OLLABORATING, C OACHING … T OOLS FOR M ENTORING S ELF -D IRECTEDNESS Questions to consider: What are the connections between the summer work with Toni and page 27? What types of conversations of you having? More of one than the other? What might help guide our conversations? Mentor/Mentee Guided Conversation Form
Website Mentor/Mentee Release Form Observer as Learner Protocol (to be used with Mentor/Mentee Release Day) Newsletter Resources M ANAGING P URPOSE : B USINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS, U PDATES, M ATTERS OF M UTUAL C ONCERN
N EXT DEVELOPMENT S ESSION : Wednesday, January 11, 2012 *7:00 – 8:30 AM Admin Board Room *3:00 – 4:30 PM Admin Board Room *4:30 – 6:00 PM ISC – Room A *6:30 – 8:00 PM Carman Trails
C LOSING P URPOSE : REFLECT ON THE LEARNING, SET NEXT STEPS, GIVE FEEDBACK Monthly Mentee/Mentor Checklists (Sept – December) – pages 34 – 35 Traffic Light October – January – April Red – stop doing Yellow – continue doing Green – begin doing Pluses and Wishes