Competency 010 Presented by Elizabeth Castillo
Competency 010 The Master Technology Teacher knows how to provide professional development and support through mentoring, modeling, coaching, and consulting.
Mentor, Facilitator, Collaborator, Coach
Use formal and informal methods to assess educator’s technology proficiencies and instructional strategies Formal assessments have data which support the conclusions made from the test. Informal assessments are not data driven but rather content and performance driven. e/article.jsp?id=4452 e/article.jsp?id=4452
Addresses the various technology knowledge and skill levels of educators by applying appropriate research based strategies and instructional methods The "art" of teaching is rapidly becoming the "science" of teaching, and this is a relatively new phenomenon. [S]trategies that we have extracted from the research base on effective instruction…guide classroom practice in such a way as to maximize the possibility of enhancing student achievement. Robert Marzano, et al., Classroom Instruction That Works: Research-based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement
Knows learning processes and procedures for facilitating adult learning Needs assessment: Safety Sound relationships Sequence Praxis Respect for Learners Ideas, feelings, and actions Immediacy of the learning Clear roles and role development Teamwork and use of small groups Engagement Accountability
…technology enhanced student centered learning affects the role of the teacher (eg. As mentor, facilitator, collaborator) Mentor as "a trusted counselor or guide." "a wise, loyal advisor or coach." A facilitator is someone who helps a group of people understand their common objectives and assists them to plan to achieve them.. A collaborator is someone who works together with someone, especially in a joint intellectual effort.
Support educators’ assessment of technology enhanced learning One usable method for teachers is to provide a rubric for student use and for both formative and summative assessment purposes. Another is to provide some type of graphic organizer. html html
… applying principles of time management and engaging in continuous self assessment Time Management….. Be aware of tasks needed to be performed Prioritize the work with most important to be completed first Make a list of what you need to do each day and estimate how long each task will take Organize work space Know your peak work times Self Assessment….. What is working for the teachers? What can I do to help the teachers more? In what direction should we go next?
Strategies for Acquisition and Implementation of Technology Applications Standards….
Uses mentoring, coaching, and consulting skills and strategies to support the use of technology
Uses consultation to engage in systematic problem solving for effective student and educator use of technology
Promotes awareness of and support for technology enhanced instruction in the learning community
Identify professional development needs, promote support for and advocates for pd opportunities MTT supports professional development needs through: Surveys Data Observations Needs identified in the Campus Improvement Plan Needs identified in District Technology Plan