Delovni program 2013 „ENERGIJA“ Razpis s področja „Smart Cities & Communities“ mag. Milena Černilogar Radež, MZIP, Direktorat za energijo nacionalna kontaktna oseba za 7OP, področje „energija“ Informativni dnevi, GZS, 2. in 3. julij 2012
VSEBINA Pobuda Predstavitev razpisa Področje razpisa Razpisi iz drugih področij Koncept Informacije
Pobuda „Smart Cities and Communities“ je ena od evropskih industrijskih pobud za implementacijo SET-načrta, dodana na pobudo DČ v letu 2011
Predstavitev razpisa FP7-SMARTCITIES-2013 –objava: , odprt do –okvirna sredstva: 209,0 mioEUR (Energija & Informacijska in komunikacijska tehnologija) –v razpisu je področje predstavljeno kot ena najpomembnejših interaktivnih dejavnosti na področju raziskav in inovacij: Smart Cities is a target research and innovation area in the future European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. In order to prepare the constituency, the Themes ICT and ENERGY are launching this Cross-Thematic call.
Področja razpisa Theme 3 – Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) FP7-ICT : A reliable, smart and secure Internet of Things for Smart Cities FP7-ICT : Data Centres in an energy-efficient and environmental friendly Internet FP7-ICT : Optimising Energy Systems in Smart Cities FP7-ICT : Integrated personal mobility for smart cities
Področja razpisa Theme 5 – Energy Area Energy.7.1: Development of Inter-Active Distribution Energy Networks: Topic ENERGY : Development and validation of methods and tools for network integration of distributed renewable resources Area Energy 7.3: Cross Cutting Issues and Technologies Topic ENERGY : Planning rules for linking electric vehicles (EV) to distributed energy resources Topic ENERGY : Enhanced interoperability and conformance testing methods and tools for interaction between grid infrastructure and electric vehicles Area ENERGY.8.8: Smart Cities and Communities Topic ENERGY : Demonstration of optimised energy systems for high performance-energy districts
Razpisi z drugih področij Call FP7-ICT-2013-GC, GC-ICT : Electro-mobility, see Theme 3 (ICT), part of PPP Green Cars Call FP NMP-ENV-EeB, EeB.NMP : Integration of technologies for energy-efficient solutions in the renovation of public buildings, see Theme 4 (NMP), part of PPP EeB Call FP NMP-ENV-EeB, EeB.NMP : Integrated control systems and methodologies to monitor and improve building energy performance see Theme 4 (NMP), part of PPP EeB Call FP NMP-ENV-EeB, EeB.NMP : Optimised design methodologies for energy-efficient buildings integrated in the neighbourhood energy systems see Theme 4 (NMP), part of PPP EeB Call FP NMP-ENV-EeB, EeB.NMP : Achieving high efficiency by deep retrofitting in the case of commercial buildings see Theme 4 (NMP), part of PPP EeB Call FP NMP-ENV-EeB, EeB.ENV : Energy efficient retrofitting and renewal of existing buildings for sustainable urban districts, see Theme 6 (ENV), part of PPP EeB
Kaj vse je „Smart City&Community“ Obravnava mesto & kraj kot celoto, v vsej njegovi različnosti Fokusira se predvsem na področje energije poraba proizvodnja, dobava / distribucija shranjevanje zmanjšanje izpustov CO 2 Obravnava vse: energijo, trajnostno mobilnost, ravnanje z odpadki, kvaliteto življenja svojih meščanov & krajanov vključno s socialno ekonomskimi razmerami v skupnosti
Koncept temelji na: 1. the integration of processes, concepts and technologies: –processes (e.g. urban planning, infrastructure planning, financing, policy making, governance structures, stakeholder processes) –concepts (e.g. energy efficiency measures; decentralised and centralised energy production strategies for heat, cold, electricity and fuels; mobility, waste and water strategies) –and technologies (e.g. CHP, heat pumps, solar PV and thermal collectors, smart electrical and thermal network components). 2. the use of Information and Communication Technologies for: –an optimal design and operation of the urban energy system –the communication between technologies –monitoring the performance of the Smart City –the communication with end energy consumers.
Pobuda EK In the Smart Cities Initiative the European Commission proposes: “to progress by 2020 towards a 20 % reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through sustainable use and production of energy”, requiring “systemic approaches and organisational innovation, encompassing energy efficiency, low carbon technologies and the smart management of supply and demand.”
Informacije iskanje partnerjev - Idealist sistem spletna stran za podporo (nasveti, informacije, dokumenti) informacije na spletni strani RS: vse informacije o razpisih na spletni strani EK: mag. Milena Černilogar Radež, sekretarka Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo in prostor, DIREKTORAT ZA ENERGIJO Kotnikova 5, 1000 Ljubljana Tel: Nacionalna kontaktna točka (NCP) za 7OP - energija Članica programskega odbora za 7OP – energija Koordinatorica DE za NER 300