WorshipWelcome Jump Start Small Group Church Ministry OUTREACH 1712 E Busch Blvd,Tampa, FL, (corner of 18 th Street) Office Pastor: Louie Vega Lead Worshipper: Vicky Vega Administrator: Tom McIntosh Small Group Director: Andrew May Young Adults: Joey & Dinah Children’s Director: Becky McCleary Welcome Center: Rosa Moreno Captain of Ushers: Andrew Maldonado Visit Us at The Hebrews Series HEBREWS 11:23-40 Pt: 2 CTW’S SIMPLE PHILOSOPHY Clarity > Movement > Alignment > Focus Circles of Movement Each Circle Represents A Community At CTW; Each Arrow Indicates Moving From Community To Community! The Purpose of our Circles of Movement: Heb 10:24-25 “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Notice how a key principle of meeting together is to stir up one another, & the hope is that we would learn to love more & serve more. Also notice that this does not happen outside of fellowship. We must meet together, thereby encouraging one another because tomorrow is not promised. At CTW we meet together is many different venues. When we want to connect with God we meet as a congregation on Wednesdays & Sundays to worship the Lord. When we want to connect to one another we meet in designated small group communities on a weekly basis (sometimes we’re in a few of these small group communities). When we want to connect with our community we become involved in church ministry & street evangelism & outreach projects. Wherever we connect, we do so in an organized, structured, & biblical method, with intentional purpose, in order to fulfill the Great Commandment (love God & others) & the Great Commission (discipleship) of Jesus Christ. All environments are called “circles” and all circles require movement. We move out of the worship service into the small group circle, in order to grow in Christ and serve His church & His outside communities. The circles of movement are not just pretty circles – they are exactly how CTW makes disciples. Connect to God, Connect to One Another, & Connect to The Community…
COACHING CLASS NEXT 9 AM SHARP!!! If you facilitate or co-facilitate a group, your attendance is required. Interested in starting a small group in your home ? SGT Ten - One training is required. It’s not hard – it’s simply a training on our small group format. See Andrew May for details and to schedule your personal training. Times up Leaders! Your Ministry Action Plan Is Due. Without Your MAP You Cannot Lead. This Is Not For Small Group Facilitators; Dept. Leaders Only! Deadline for MAP outlines is Friday May 21. MAP Meetings will follow. Next week we meet at the Lord’s table in obedience to Christ our King. Summer is upon us – water outreach, neighborhood outreach through BBQ, & other activities will be planned. Please pray about how you can help CONNECT with our COMMUNITY. Let’s do some Great Commission Work! ATTENTION ALL SMALL GROUP FACILITATORS. COACHING CLASS IS EVERY FIRST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH. THIS IS NOT VOLUNTARY, IT IS MANDATORY. IF YOU ARE DOING ANY TYPE OF SMALL GROUP WITH ANY AGE GROUP AT CTW, YOU ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND THE COACHING CLASS. SEE ANDREW MAY. Visits CTW’s eprayer and let us pray for your needs. Prayer warriors always welcomed. C.R.E.W. YOUNG ADULT FELLOWSHIP EVERY 2 ND & 4 TH 7 PM CTW COACHING CLASS NEXT SUNDAY 9 AM CAMPAIGN: each one reach one & teach one… CTW members: Where are you in the process? Invite someone to your church & minister to them. Come out & learn how to be “fishers of men.” Wednesday evenings are dedicated to the “multiply movement” round-table break out groups on the book “Multiply: Disciples Making Disciples.” We are half way through – stay focused/keep coming! CTW has implemented a brand new one-on-one discipleship plan of action. We have personal mentoring taking place right now. There is a criteria or qualification before a mentor is assigned to a mentor: the person seeking a discipleship mentor will need to be attending church service on an ongoing (regular) basis, & they will need to currently be plugged in to a small group community. How do you apply? The discipleship application is on the CTW website. From the “Home” page, scroll down to “Discipleship” & click it. Once there, go to the upper right hand box and click “Mentoring.” The form will pop up – simply fill it out & submit. Someone will get back to you shortly. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matt 28:19-20). A NOTE TO CTW GUEST: Please feel free to get an access card from the Welcome Center. This card is needed to get into the bathroom building. Please return card to the Welcome Center.