Γ+ d → p + p + π - Analysis Meeting Jan10, 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

γ+ d → p + p + π - Analysis Meeting Jan10, 2008

Contents Energy deposit Correction Select/Cut Conditions

Energy Deposit Correction Motivation: get more accurate kinematics p/pi energy loss in IH  for proton, 0.5~6 for pion

Energy deposit correction Event Select with loose cut Particle E/p from DC Energy deposit Correction Event Select with tight cut Analysis W/ Correction Energy Deposit Correction Method

Event Select

Appendix-3 Event Select Condition Time: |IH-TagF| <2.5nsec; 2TrVertex: Track Distance<1.5 cm; 3TrVertex: Triangle length<3.0 cm; 3TrVerPos: -3<X<2, -1.64<Y<1.44, -1<Z<1 (cm); Mass: 0.8<ppiMM <1.17, 1.66<LVTarM<2.1 (GeV/c 2 ); LVTarMom: 119.6<Px<80.4, <Py<96.3, -50<Px<50 (MeV/c);

Appendix-2 Fig. Effect of Energy Deposit

Appendix-3 Simulation Set GENETYPE: 3BPS pp  - /4BPS pp  -  0 Gamma E:0.8~1.1 GeV (uniform); Beam Size: YZ-Plane Gaussian distribution w/ σ=0.5 cm; Target: LD 2 w/ -3.61<X<0.39 cm Event #:1e6; SDCRES: 150μm ; CDCRES: 200μm ; HDTRES: 0.2 cm; OHZRES: 2.0 cm; DCEFF: 99%; DCEFFREG: 1.2;

Appendix-4 MaterialDepth (cm) Density ( g/cm 3 ) TargetLiquid D 2 Φ4.8× Target Cell FilmUpilex-S75×2e Super-Insulator Aluminized Mylar50e-4×21.39 Mylar6e-4×15(?)1.39 Target Out Cell WallCFRP IHPolyvinyltolunene SDC WindowMylar200×2e Straw CellAluminized Mylar30×6e SDC GasAr+Ethane(50:50) e-3 CDC inner WindowCFRP500e TotalNormal to IH material TABLE I. Materials of NKS2 on the Particles’ Trajectory (inside CDC)

That’s All.