Country Team Action Plan VIETNAM
Tracks 1 & 2 3 Where do we want to be? GOALS Country Team Goal: contribute to improve accesses of people to SRH and HIV services
Track 1 4 What are the gaps? Legal framework: National Strategy for RH care for ; for HIV prevention and Vision to 2020; Law on HIV prevention; National Standards and Guidelines for RH services: include provision of SRH services for HIV people, especially PMTCT; 385 Decree on Technical Responsibilities of levels of the RH network; National Guidelines for PMTCT and training manuals; National Plan for STIs control and treatment; Decision to approve Responsibilities of MCH network and Viet Nam, Administration for AIDS Control, etc. BUT still limited linkage between SRH, HIV and STIs networks
Track 1 5 What are the gaps? Status of the health care system: Government health system: –vertical service systems of SRH, HIV/AIDS, and STIs; –loose link; –capacity of each system referral system and follow up is limited; –heavy stigma and discrimination of service providers of the SRH system; Community-based network: not yet officially involved in the care system Private sector: not yet officially to be recognized as an important implementer to provide services
Track 1 6 What are the gaps? Unmet needs of SRH/HIV/STIs clients: HIV+ people and their partners: high need for SRH services but limited access due to poverty, fear of facing stigma and discrimination from health service provider; Other high risk group: need to access to both SRH and STIs/HIV information and services SRH clients: high needs for counseling, screening for STIs/HIV status
Track 1 7 What interventions can we use to close the gap? Best practices at RH center – HCMC: has applied PMTCT since 2007 STIs/HIV related information and services opened to all SRH clients, not only pregnant women, being provided counseling and test if required. Positive cases have been further consulted and referred to HIV/AIDS network and/or Obstetric hospitals for follow up and treatment, including PMTCT;
Track 1 8 What interventions can we use to close the gap? Intervention’s activities: training for service providers on HIV: dealing with the root causes of the stigma and fear of HIV among service providers:; set up working mechanism/collaboration among divisions; provide necessary medical equipment and supplies for providing services and for universal precautions; orientation meetings to discuss on reduction of stigma toward HIV clients; M&E and coaching from managers; clear scheme for fine/punishment if service providers show their stigma
Track 1 9 Who are the possible partners, allies, and stakeholders? Government ownership: –MOH (MCH department; VAAC; GOPFP) –Local health authorities International community: –UN HIV team (WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNAIDS) –INGOs in Viet Nam: –Funds: USAID, Global Fund….. –Embassies Civil society: –Civil society organizations –HIV’s groups
Track 2 10 Objectives (outcomes) Legal framework for linkage among SRH, HIV and STIs settings strengthened Increased clients of SRH settings receive HIV related information and services Increased STIs/HIV clients receive essential information on SRH for themselves and their partners Improved linkage among SRH, HIV and STIs and with private sector increased Improved linkage among health system with community based network established
Track 2 11 Processes Detailed guidance/regulations for coordination/working mechanism within health settings, among health settings/systems and between health and community developed and approved for application Training programs provided to service providers conducted Medical equipment and medical supplies provided Advocacy events conducted
Tracks 1 & 2 12 What are our action steps? Action StepResponsible Person Timeline 1. Develop a unified report of the workshop UNFPA staffWithin 3 days 2. Internal briefing with agenciesMembersWithin 3 weeks 3. Advocacy with MOH, agencies/stakeholder on strengthening the integration and linkage among SRH, HIV and STDs networks USAIDWithin 2 months
Tracks 1 & 2 13 What are our action steps? Action StepResponsible Person Timeline 4. Briefing with concern agencies/ Stakeholder on what learned from the BKK workshop the linkage issues UN team (UNFPA) One item of the meeting of MOH on development of the guidelines on linkage in April; 5. Briefing with other concerns agencies/stakeholders on other RH/SM/FP/abortion/ training program, linkage GOPFP/ VAAC - Q2 meeting (9/4/2010) of RH Affinity Group, chaired by MOH/MCHD - meetings/forums with counterparts/partners 6. Develop Roadmap for implementation of integration (and linkage) among SRH and HIV MCHD/VAACTo be decided later, after the Advocacy meting (3)
Tracks 1 & 2 14 Examples of the roadmap ActionTime in 2010 Responsible Strengthen the legal framework for integration and linkage: 1. National Guideline for linkage among systems MCH/VAAC 2. Develop national framework for condom programming GOPFP/VAAC 3. Develop National Guidelines on SRH care for PLWHA MCH/VAAC