Spending Reductions + Increasing Demand = Doing Things Differently 9 th July 2012
2 Overall funding for Councils
Spending Reductions 30% reductions planned nationally over 3 years Approximately £4 billion public sector spend in Leicestershire 30% applied to this = either £1.2 billion reduction or £2.8 billion to spend – glass half empty or glass half full? Need to use what we do have as effectively as possible – maximise our impact 3 The Context
Increasing Demand Number of over 75s in Leicestershire forecast to increase by 83% by 2030 – providing residential care for just 10% of these would cost c£40 million extra per annum Diabetes costs rose by 58% between 2006/7 and 2010/11 – unless we change something we will spend 17% of the NHS budget on diabetes by 2035 Obesity costs projected to double, from £25 million to more than £50 million per annum, by 2050 A 20% increase in the number of workless would cost an additional £13 million a year Our 3,300 troubled families and families with complex needs cost us £158 million per annum 4 The Context
Troubled Families Profile: in 2 families involved in crime / ASB 57% solely or heavily reliant upon state benefits 75% actually in receipt of benefits 96% have at least one family dysfunction risk DV, Behaviour, Poor Parenting, Safeguarding, unstable relationships etc 64% have educational risks truancy >15%, SEN, exclusions, class behaviour 49% of households have some form of mental health problem Rises to 81% with Alcohol & Drug misuse 36% of families have a physical health condition
6 We therefore need to do things differently… Focus on priorities Achieve better outcomes at lower cost Focus on prevention and early intervention Enable our communities More individual/personal responsibility Place-based approach
Principle = A shift to prevention and early intervention in order to maximise the impact of limited resources – “spend now to save later” A reduction in the number of Troubled Families Services designed to mitigate the impacts of an ageing population and allowing older people to live independently for longer Growth in the Leicestershire economy A healthier population with increased life expectancy, and a reduction in health inequalities 7 Priorities
Theme Commissioning Boards Specialist GroupsLocalities Leicestershire Together Commissioning Board and Executive Health & Wellbeing Community Safety Economic Children & Young People Environment Cross-cutting themes Housing/Planning/Infrastructure Safeguarding Stronger Communities Transport Sport and Physical Activity Voluntary Community Sector Rural Housing Services Community Budget Programmes Blaby Hinckley & Bosworth North West Leicestershire Harborough Melton Oadby & Wigston Charnwood * Community Forums x25 Scrutiny = Leicestershire Together Working Group Communities of interest/Protected Characteristics Troubled Families
Different motivation for people to work together Shared priorities and plans ‘Whole system’ and integrated approach to commissioning services – four key stages = Analyse, Plan, Do, Review We need to invest now in order to save on acute services later 9 So how are we going to achieve the change? 1. Analyse 2. Plan 3. Do 4. Review Priorities Market analysis/ engagement Spend category analysis Route to market analysis/ purchasing plan Contract specification/ SLA development Contract management monitoring Supplier management Procurement process support Strategic Commissioning Strategic Procurement Needs analysis
Reduction in resources following the end of LAA2 New model developed with shift from universal to targeted approach Focus on families rather than individuals Focus on the physically inactive rather than getting those who already exercise to do more Broader range of activities – not just organised sport Money allocated on a needs (evidence based) basis by locality – some districts lost out e.g. because there are higher numbers of inactive people in Charnwood and NW Leicestershire 10 Practical Example – Sport
Think about the role of Local Councils in delivering the Leicestershire priorities… Troubled Families – youth activities/facilities, play areas, play groups, family support e.g. befriending schemes Older People – good neighbour schemes (e.g. help with gardening, shopping, small jobs around the house), luncheon clubs, community transport Economic – Broadband Leicestershire project, supporting local businesses, encourage local social enterprises, job clubs, volunteering opportunities for workless Health – Parish walks, ‘trim trails’ and outdoor gyms, gardening projects, farmers markets, shop and cook projects, sports facilities 11 The opportunities for Local Councils
Establish the key needs within your communities – through Parish Plans, Neighbourhood Plans, topic specific surveys Take advantage of Big Society Grant Fund/Community Forum Budgets to develop projects to meet identified local needs Work with us to help your community to plan for service changes – what support do you need from us to do this? Maximise use of local assets – community post offices in village halls, shops in pubs, different uses of church buildings etc. Use your new Rights…to Challenge, Bid and Build Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things…and talk to us about your ideas – we want to help! 12 The opportunities for Local Councils