Matters Arising: A Summer Of Choice – Stirling Road Engagement of service users and carers: - A carers meeting has been organised for the 16th Sept at the Dominion Centre at 11am. - Simon Jarrett has met with Julian Hillman and discussed what Stirling Road will be doing over the summer and what may continue as from September. - A conference planned for the service users on 1st October. - Individual personnel statements on whether people have enjoyed the sessions and what they have enjoyed or disliked the most. This piece of work is done at the end of each session per person on a daily basis. · See more detailed presentation attached.
A summer of choice
What did we do? New activities for people to try over 8 weeks. New places for people to use as a base. Asked people what they thought about it.
Why did we do it? So people could try new things and decide what they like and what they don’t like. So people could try being somewhere else and not in a day centre. So people could build up their independence and confidence.
What did we do? Five new adult learning classes. Arts and Crafts Gardening/ Allotments Dance Computers Decision making
What did we do? Helping to keep the Canals and Rivers clean. A partnership with Thames 21 Litter clearing and removing graffiti Wildlife surveys Planting fruit trees and wild flowers
What did we do? Health and Fitness. Fitness first gym sessions Indoor kayaking Swimming Southall gym sessions
What did we do? Try out new places. A group at Dominion Centre in Southall A group from residential homes at Friends Meeting House in Ealing
What did we do? Starting to try out work experience at Stirling Road. Catering Car washing Interviewing and communication training Gardening Visiting other projects
What worked well? Arts and Crafts class Allotments class Canals and Rivers work Extreme ability New venues –Dominion, Friends meeting house, Ealing library being out and about
What didn’t work well? Fitness first Some of the classes
What about people from residential homes? Friends meeting house group will continue Person centred day activity plans Support to do activities they like
What will happen next? Dominion and Friends Meeting house groups carry on. Thames 21 Adult education Extreme ability Work project at Stirling Road Older persons project with Age Concern
What will happen next? Conference on October 1 st. A conference of people with learning disabilities for people with learning disabilities. ‘Opportunity now’. Make decisions about how things will change from now.