Access to Nature and Public health Stepping Stones to Nature A Plymouth Case study Zoe Goss SS2N Coordinator
Project Aims Delivered through: Community Engagement Quality improvements Improved communications Organisational change Research programme SS2N is a four year partnership project which aims to get more people engaging positively with nature to improve health and well being
Measuring success Evidence of increased use of sites Testimonies of improved quality of life Demonstration of more collaborative approach to working
Site based physical access work Over £400k invested to improve access to 6 sites across Plymouth
Site Based Community Engagement Regular site based activities and events with residents, schools and youth groups Simple activities / Self guided trails Using partner organisations to keep it fun and creative Capacity building through survey / walk leader training Schools programme
Targeted City Wide Engagement ‘It has given me confidence to organise things…I think more about walking for short trips with my family now’ ‘I have noticed that the parents are more aware of risks and low level parenting skills as a result. ‘people reported they slept more soundly, the activity stopped them thinking about their problems’ ‘Talking to members of the public helped raise the confidence of the women to integrate within the wider community’ ‘I feel safe talking about how I feel with people in this group’ ‘I’m more adventurous’ ‘There has been an improvement in 3 of the children’s attendance levels; 3 parents are now members of our gardening club; parents are more confident to discuss school matters; children have become responsive to experiencing new foods and helping prepare dinner’
Learning Simple access improvements Project led by staff skilled in community development Keep it fun, creative and meaningful Project embedded in City Council’s wider strategies Opportunities to take a risk Breadth of partners and partnership buy-in Individuals count Regular reports demonstrating impact, celebrating success and valuing partnership
Challenges ahead Embedding new ways of working Ongoing maintenance Keeping up the partnerships, maintaining the momentum Project legacy?
Opportunities for the future Maximise the impact of capital improvements Developing our evidence base Engaging better with Health Build on what works: Embedding Change Partnership Programme Get better at telling our stories!