Workshop Trondheim, June 20th-21st 2002 WP 1 Waste Matter Aspects: Characterisation and Data Processing Roland Fehringer Vienna University of Technology Institute for Water Quality and Waste Management
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Organisation of WP 1 Leader IWA, Vienna University of Technology (22) Contributions Ressource Management Agency (11) BRGM (3) University of Stuttgart (2) Duration Month 1 till 21 (Sept. 2002)
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Objectives of WP 1 To define the data structure To characterise the waste input Guidelines for the use of MFA Transfer of know-how
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Objective: To Define the Data Structure - Of the entire project - system - subsystem - processes - flows between (sub-)system and processes - Based on the methodology of material flow analysis (MFA)
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Objective: To Characterise the Waste Input - Into the waste management system - In terms of quality and quantity - Composition of waste and waste fractions - Metals and non-metals
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Objective: Guidelines for the use of MFA - For municipal solid waste management - Including a rigid methodology of MFA - Including the common terminology - Methods for the determination of waste composition
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Objective: Transfer of know-how Concerning the - Methodology of MFA - Methods to determine the waste composition - Municipal solid waste matrix
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 What is MFA? system boundary P C R stock I RW E1E1 E2E2 P Assessment of flows and stocks in a defined system based on the mass balance principle
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Why MFA ? - Rigid method: input = output + stock - Easily understandable - Transparent results - 20 years experience - Incorporation into jurisdiction MFA is a powerful tool for co-ordination that guarantees that the work of all partners can be linked together
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Results - Definition of the AWAST-System - (Mixed) Waste matrix - 3 methods to determine waste composition - MFA Manual
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Definition of the AWAST-System - System boundaries Regional and temporal boundary - Goods, processes, subsystems - Mixed waste, paper, biowaste,.. - Grate incineration plant, underground storage, … - Sorting, biological treatment, … - Substances - Non-metals: C, N, S, Cl, F, P - Metals: Fe, Al, Pb, Zn, Cd, Hg
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 AWAST - Level 1 collection & transport of waste (CT) waste OWP system boundary "AWAST" other waste relevant pro- cesses (OWP) private house- hold (PHH) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) waste TIBS (recycling) products waste PHH imported waste residues emissions CT resources CT untreated waste exported waste pretreated waste treated waste waste to treatment emissions TW neighbouring region (NR) treatment of waste (TW) transport of treated waste (T) landfill (L) neighbouring region (NR) supplies TW resources TW emissions T resources T emissions L resources L environment (ENV) environment (ENV) environment (ENV) environment (ENV) environment (ENV) environment (ENV) environment (ENV) environment (ENV) trade, industry, buseiness, service (TIBS) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) supplies CT supplies L trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) supplies T trade, industry, business, service (TIBS) trade, industry, business, service (TIBS)
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 System structure AWAST Level 1 - Overview level Easy comprehensible and clear picture Highest aggregation of processes and goods Level 2 - Link level Connection between level 1 and 3 and between workpackages Level 3 - Data level Most detailed level, structure for data input
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Level 3: Collection of mixed waste (CM)
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Number of processes and goods AWAST- SystemProcesses *Goods Level 1423 Level 215? Level 342about 300 * Additional 5 external processes in all 3 levels
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Definition of MSW municipal solid waste common disposed MSW separately collected waste fraction municipal plantsrecycling, landfill MSW other waste management sewage sludge mining waste industrial waste trade/business w. domestic refuse bulky refuse yard/gardening w. waste motor oil scrap vehicles construction debris agricultural waste xy
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Waste Matrices Objective: complete data base for the simulator - 1 mixed waste matrix - 6 matrices for “separately collected secondary materials” (plastics, paper, biowaste, …) - 16 matrices for all other waste fractions (bulky waste, batteries, sewage sludge, market waste, cemetery waste, …)
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Mixed Waste Matrix mixed waste mass fluxsharewater con.ash con.heating valueClCdHg [kg/(cap.a)][g/100g of m.w.][g/kg of m.w.][kJ/kg m.w.][mg/kg m.w.] wood ,0 0,00 paper ,4 0,02 glass ,1 0,00 ferrous metals ,0 0,01 nonferrous metals ,3 0,00 plastics ,9 0,05 textiles ,3 0,01 biowaste ,1 0,02 others ,0 0,50 total ,1 0,61 MSW Incinerator ,0 1,3
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Methods for determining waste composition 2a 2b 1 3 production consump- tion waste treatment waste treatment products direct analysis analyses by market research household statistics analysis of waste treatment products 1 2a 2b 3 products
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Direct waste analysis - Qualified to determine - geographic, demographic or seasonal differences in the composition of MSW - energy and water content of MSW - Classical approach - France: MODECOM - Austria: TB Hauer - Labour intensive - Collection, sieving, weighing, analysing,...
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Indirect waste analysis Analyses by market research or household statistics - Qualified to get an quick overview to single goods/products or substances within a waste - Easy to do desk-work without field sampling or laboratory analysis
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Example: Paper in MSW Source: Die Österreichische Papierindustrie 1996, ARO Report 1996 [kg/c.y] i m p o r t 7 3 waste paper 191 i m p o r t 9 3 e x p o r t consum- ption 179 recycling 118 export 13 libraries, archives, etc. ? ind. 81 HH 50 MSW 48 production 454 waste paper 131 production export import recycling amount of MSW data requirement
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Analysis of waste treatment products - Qualified to determine the elemental concentration of waste - on-line monitoring system: by analyzing a single incineration residue only - tool for quality control in waste management - Necessary knowledge: transfer coefficient of the selected elements
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 MSW Incinerator Spittelau Source: SGP-VA cadmium <1 bottom ash ESP-Ash waste water filter cake off gas <1 household waste
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Manual – Table of Contents 1.Purpose of this manual: objectives 2.Introduction to MFA: history 3.The methodology of MFA: terms and definitions, procedures, results 4.Application of MFA in waste management 5.Determination of the composition of MSW: 3 different approaches 6.Examples: MSW composition, thermal treatment, biological treatment, landfill 7.System Analysis Project AWAST: boundary, modeling, definitions 8.Literature
design: inge hengl\vorträge\br\AWAST.ppt Roland FehringerWorkshop Trondheim, June 20 th -21 st 2002 Conclusions Work of WP 1 is almost finished no delay no technical problems - Teamwork worked very well - Transfer of know-how (MFA) is going on THE END