Adapted from Sam Long By S. McCown Parrish, AL Building a Contagious Church Connect People with Jesus & His Word Connect People with Jesus & His Word Be Contagious Leaders Be Contagious Leaders Be United Be United Demonstrate Your Care for People Demonstrate Your Care for People
Adapted from Sam Long By S. McCown Parrish, AL To Build a Contagious Church We Must Set Worthy GoalsWe Must Set Worthy Goals –Abraham looked for a city whose builder and maker was God. –What Was Moses’ goal for the Children of Israel? –What was Jesus goal (were His goals) while on earth?
Adapted from Sam Long By S. McCown Parrish, AL Have Worthy Goals Success us moving toward a worthy goal. Success us moving toward a worthy goal. –Many people and families do not have goals –Seems many businesses do not either –Does the church? If we do not have goals how can we be successful?If we do not have goals how can we be successful?
Adapted from Sam Long By S. McCown Parrish, AL Have Worthy Goals Contagious Churches have GOALSContagious Churches have GOALS –Attendance Goals –Contribution Goals –Spiritual Goals –Others??? Are we simply, “holding our own?”Are we simply, “holding our own?” –Means we are not saving lost souls –Not changing lives, just “holding services and fellowships.” –Not growing then dying
Adapted from Sam Long By S. McCown Parrish, AL Worthy Goals Ask Bill Gates about Windows XP and he may talk about XP- 4.Ask Bill Gates about Windows XP and he may talk about XP- 4. GM can tell you about plans for the 2010 model year.GM can tell you about plans for the 2010 model year. Insurance companies plan up to 10 years in advance.Insurance companies plan up to 10 years in advance. Some churches do not know who will teach what next quarter.Some churches do not know who will teach what next quarter.
Adapted from Sam Long By S. McCown Parrish, AL Worthy Goals It is important that we set clear, specific goals and commit them to writing.It is important that we set clear, specific goals and commit them to writing. –Writing them down makes them seem more real –They become specific and definite –Putting them on paper crystallizes our thinking and helps us decide what we really want. –Goals motivate us to action –Action helps us overcome fear of failure
Adapted from Sam Long By S. McCown Parrish, AL Building a Contagious Church Connect People with Jesus & His WordConnect People with Jesus & His Word Be Contagious LeadersBe Contagious Leaders Be UnitedBe United Demonstrate Your Care for PeopleDemonstrate Your Care for People Set Worthy GoalsSet Worthy Goals