2nd Grade Quarter 1: Math JEOPARDY
RouterModesWANEncapsulationWANServicesRouterBasicsRouterCommands RouterModesWANEncapsulationWANServicesRouterBasicsRouterCommands Number Sense Equations Graphs & Charts Comparing Comparing Addition & Subtraction Potpourri ► ► ► F i n a l J e o p a r d y
Question The number represented by these rods and cubes. Number Sense 100 A: What is 38?
Question A: What is = 3? The number sentence that can be used to check if = 12 Number Sense
Question A: What is 45? The missing number in this pattern: 30, 35, 40, ___, 50, 55 Number Sense 300
Question A: What is 70? The value of the underlined digit in 74 Number Sense 400
Question A: What is a 83? The number created from 8 tens and 3 ones. Number Sense 500
Question A: What is 11? The missing number in this equation: 5 + = 16 Equations
Question A: What is 4? + 7 = Equations 200
Question A: What is True- because they both equal 16.? True or False: = Equations 300
Question A: What is 7? The missing number to make this true: 8 + = Equations 400
Question A: What is = 6? The missing equation from this family: = = = 7 Equations 500
Question A: What is 12 fruits? This is the total number of fruits. Apples Oranges Bananas = 1 fruit Graphs & Charts 100
Question A: What is 25 candies? The number of candies Mark & Angel ate together. CHILDCANDIES Ben 16 Angel 12 Erin 18 Mark 13 Graphs & Charts 200
Question A: What is blue? Which color was chosen the fewest? blue orange red indigo Graphs & Charts 300
Question A: What is 14 people? The amount of people that like salad & pizza. Chicken Salad Pizza Burritos = 2 people Graphs & Charts 400
Question A: What is 2? The number that was rolled most often when I rolled my dice Graphs & Charts 500
Question A: What is a (greater than) sign? The symbol that makes this sentence true: Comparing 100
Question A: What is 38? The number that makes this sentence true: 38 = Comparing 200
Question A: What is a (less than) sign? The symbol that goes in the circle. Comparing 300
Question A: What is 1 more triangle than square ? This is how many more triangles there are than squares. Circles Triangles Squares Comparing 400
Question A: What is 40? The number that makes this true: Comparing 500
Question A: What is 15? = Addition & Subtraction 100
Question A: What is 77? = Addition & Subtraction 200
Question A: What is 15 birds? After a cat climbed a tree with 19 birds, four of the birds flew away. This is the number of birds left. Addition & Subtraction 300
Question A: What is 40 pennies? When Kyle found 16 pennies in the car and 24 pennies in the couch, this is how many pennies he had in all. Addition & Subtraction 400
Question A: What is 9 shells? Amy has 17 shells and Lisa has 26 shells. This is how many more shells Lisa has than Amy. Addition & Subtraction 500
Question A: What is 2:00 pm? The time 3 hours after 11:00 am Potpourri 100
Question A: What is 60 toys? The total number of toys if each of these containers held 10 toys. Potpourri 200
Question A: What is No, it is even because it ends with a 4? True or False: 34 is an odd number. *You must explain WHY. Potpourri 300
Question A: What is 12? The number shown with these tally marks. Potpourri 400
Question A: What is 52 cents? The amount of money I have if there are 2 quarters and 2 pennies in my pocket. Potpourri 500
Question A: What is 10 marbles? The number of marbles I need to put in the red box so that both sides have the same amount of marbles. Final Jeopardy