University of Louisville Indianapolis Alumni Outreach UofL: It’s Happening Here! 7/18/08
2 What’s Happening Here? Let’s start with where we have been… Milestones 1970: UofL enters State Higher Education System 1970–97: Another mouth (expensive) to feed 1996: Boyle Report - Community agenda to grow/diversify economy–new cluster Healthcare/Life Science Logistics/Distribution - Role of UofL 1997: HB1 -- Postsecondary Education Improvement Act -- Public Agenda – increase economic opportunity/Quality of life -- UofL shall be a premier nationally recognized metropolitan research university
3 Boyle Report – 1996 Community Agenda to Build Economy House Bill A Public Agenda for Higher Education to Build Economy Challenge for Excellence U of L 10 Year Plan What’s Happening Here? So…
4 1.Achieve classification as a Carnegie Research I University Done The Goals
5 2.Have a national reputation for its quality undergraduate programs Done Improved ACT scores from 21.2 to 24.3 Increased graduation rate from 33.2% to 43.6% Increased retention rate from 72.1% to 78.2% Wall Street Journal survey named UofL on of the top 30 feeder schools to nation’s top graduate schools Record number of student awards (Fulbright, Goldwater, etc.)
6 The Goals 3.Have at least 20 nationally recognized research and graduate/professional programs Done 30 nationally recognized programs in 2007 Spinal Cord Injury Research Center -- SOM Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center -- SSE Ensemble Program -- Music Entrepreneurship – Business College of Education and Human Development
7 The Goals 4.Attain designation as a National Institutes of Health (NIH) Cancer Center In Progress More than 15 new cancer drugs under development – top 5 in the country Nationally sponsored research funding grew from $300,000 in 1999 to $44 million in 2007 Cancer capital campaign topped its $60 million, five-year goal in only 18 months; campaign continues
8 The Goals 5.Have 75 endowed chairs and professorships in key fields Done 54 to 125 Role of “Bucks”
9 The Goals 6.Graduate at least 140 doctoral students per year Done 72 to 155
10 The Goals 7.Increase federal funding to more that $40 million annually and increase total sponsored funding to $80 million per year Done Increased federal funding from $15 million to $80.4 million in 2007 Increased total sponsored funding from $28.9 million to $101 million in 2007
11 The Goals 8.Increase its endowment from $255 million to $500 million Done $796 million
12 The Goals 9.Increase significantly the number of business start-ups that develop from university research activity Done
13 The Goals 10.Increase the number of patents and licenses based upon university research Done 40
14 The Goals 11.Be recognized as a national leader for linking its resources to the needs of its community Done Metropolitan College Signature Partnership New Cities Solution Partnership for Green City Haymarket/NUCLEUS
15 Pretty good progress But you have heard the expression “What have you done lately?” “It’s time to finish the job.” -- President James Ramsey State of the University address September 2007
16 It’s Time to Finish the Job Strategic Plan Vision Goals Strategies Tactics Funding Plan Capital Campaign Branding Effort
17 The 2020 Plan Educational Excellence Achieve “Double the Numbers” goals (CPE) Award 350 doctoral degrees, up from 155 Achieve Phi Beta Kappa Chapter Transform campus life and housing so that 32% of our students live on campus Double the number of nationally recognized programs – 30 to 60
18 The 2020 Plan Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity Recruit 180 nationally recognized researcher/scholars and increase total grant and research to $400M, including $193.5M in federal funding Achieve NCI Cancer Center designation
19 The 2020 Plan Community Engagement Expand our commitment to downtown Louisville and support all Kentucky cities through the City Solutions Center Achieve the 13 goals of the West Louisville Signature Partnership to reduce disparities in education, health, economic and social conditions
20 The 2020 plan Diversity, Opportunity and Social Justice Be the leader nationally in preparing students to live and work in a global society, with particular emphasis on cultural diversity, international studies, and social justice
21 The 2020 Plan Creative and Responsible Stewardship Increase our endowment from $796.8M to $3B in 2020 Spur economic development in Louisville and Kentucky through the commercialization of research at our business development and commercialization enterprises (Nucleus, Metacyte, Haymarket, Shelby Campus)
22 But Fiscal Year 2002 – Fiscal Year 2005State Cuts Fiscal Year 2008$5M Cut Fiscal Year 2009$10M Cut Fiscal Year 2010$10M Cut
23 So a New Challenge Keep momentum Keep moving forward Look for light at the end of the tunnel
24 How, You Say? Efficiency Underperforming assets Clinical operations Private partnerships Fundraising Research Commercialization Being Smart TIF