English advance mechina 2011 The effects of music By: Haim malin Shani ovadia English advance mechina 2011
Organization Introduction How the music effects your mood and body response How music effects the brain Conclusion Bibliography
Introduction Music affects everyone Music is involve using the whole brain Enhance memory and focusing attention Studies have shown that music helps to ease the symptoms of depression and even helps to relieve pain Music change a person's mood and physical responses
How music effects the mood and body response? Music influences humans both in good and bad ways. Different types of music have different effects on your emotions and body response and it depend mainly on the rhythm. An example for diverse results is Rap or Hip hop music that has varying effects on people : 1. promote angry feelings 2. can make you feel energetic and happy Certain areas of music have been linked with specific feelings and body responses. Classical music is an example of music that effect body response and mood. Classical music increase creativity, reduce tension and enhance specific types of intelligence such as verbal ability.
How music effect s the brain? The music activates both side of the brain at the same time Allows the brain to concentrate more easily and assimilate more information in less time For example dr.George Lozano a psychologist designed a way to tech foreign languages in a fraction of the normal time He takes 3 groups, group 1 study words and listens to music and imagines the word Group 2 read the same word with music but not allow imagining Group 3 read the same word but with on music and no imagine The result was that groups 1 and 2 had better scores then group 1 had and group 1 had the higher score
Conclusion One can not deny the power of music. High school students who study music have higher grade point averages that those who don't. Student listening skills are also improved through music education . The top three schools in America all place a great emphasis on music and art. Different types of music affect different.
"Give me control over he who shapes the music of a nation, and I care not who makes the laws”. Napoleon
Bibliography Laurence. O'Donnell. Music and the Brain. http://www.cerebromente.org.br/n15/mente/musica.html. Wright. Karen. How Music Affects Your Mood. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/1428802/how_music_affects_your_mood.html?cat=72 Sacriponte. Joe. The Effects of Music. http://www.english.iup.edu/mhayward/en202/papers03/sacriponte.htm