Mrs. Valoroso & Ms. Delgado SCHOOL WEBSITE : WELCOME TO 2 ND GRADE!
Expectations Students are expected to come to class ready to learn. Students will use their time wisely in class. They will learn by listening to instruction, helping each other, conferencing with the teacher, working in learning centers, using technology, working in groups. Students need to have all supplies ready for use. Each Friday students will take home their supply pouches to make sure everything is in good order for the following week. Homework is sent home daily. Incomplete HW slips will be sent home if HW is missing. HW will be completed at recess/lunch/home. You may request HW in advance if your child will be absent.
Expectations/Discipline Students are expected to follow the classroom rules. There are consequences that result when those rules are not followed. Discipline Plan: Color chart/weekly conduct grades/conduct referral slips. Green (O) Orange (G) Yellow (S) Red (NI) Positive Recognition: Praise/ Stickers/Treasure box/activity time/table points Consequences: Warning/5 minutes time-out/ 7 minutes time-out (recess, lunch)
Folders/Classroom Newsletters/Projects *HW folder *Weekly work habits/behavior grades (Fridays) *Graded work folder (sent home twice a month) *Classroom folder Monthly classroom newsletters will be sent home to let you know what is happening in our classroom, school events, and reminders. Projects will be expected. Directions will be sent home in advance. HW folders & HW agenda goes home daily & returned to school daily.
Grades % = O (Outstanding) 93-96% = O % = G+ (Good) 87-89% = G 85-86% = G % = S+ (Satisfactory) 75-79% = S 70-74% = S- 69% & below = NI (Needs Improvement)
Honors/Principal’s List/Chapel Star/Student of the Month For “A” honors students must receive (O-) or above in these subjects and have no check marks: Religion, Reading, Math, English, Handwriting, Spelling, Social Studies, Science. Students must receive (G) or above in these areas: Art, Computer, Music, PE, Spanish, Work Habits, Behavior. For “B” honors students receive (G) or above in these subjects: Religion, Reading, Math, English, Handwriting, Spelling, Social Studies, Science, Art, Computer, Music, PE, Spanish, Work Habits, Behavior. Principal’s List: Students must receive an (O) in both work habits & behavior. Chapel Star: An excellent assignment is chosen to be displayed for a month. Student of the Month: Students that demonstrate the monthly character trait are chosen.
Other Information Gradelink: Check your child’s grades Room Parents Ways to communicate with me: Written notes from home Important days to remember Questions THANK YOU!