Chase Young, Ph.D. Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi Developing Literacy through Creativity and Technology
Overview Readers Theatre Scripting Student Produced Movies
Monday: Select scripts and read for meaning Tuesday: Choose parts and focus on automatic word recognition Wednesday: Focus on expression Thursday: Practice Performance Friday: Performance Readers Theater (Young & Rasinski, 2009)
Readers Theater Performance
Enhancing Authors’ Voice Through Scripting (Young & Rasinski, 2011) Parody Sophia Finds a Turtle Take it a Step Further with SPMs Mentor Text As is…or…slight variation Voice Variation of Billy Goats Gruff Scratch King Kong vs Second Grade VIDEO
Phase 1: Grouping Phase 2: Idea Development Phase 3: Script Treatment Phase 4: StoryboardStoryboard Phase 5: ScriptingScripting Phase 6: Preproduction Conference Phase 7: Filming Phase 8: Post-Production Student Produced Movies (Young & Rasinski, 2013)
SPM Written and Produced by Second Graders Genre: Comedy. Method: Parody Video Sophia Finds a Turtle
SPM Written and Produced by Second Graders Genre: Horror. Method: Mentor Video The Bad News
DOAWK: Playground Scene SPM Written and Produced by Second Graders Genre: Comedy. Method: Mentor Video
Benefits of SPMs Students reflected on their reading preference, identified different genres, composed summaries, drafted sequences, used their knowledge of story structure to deconstruct text and turn it into a new creation, rehearsed the script focusing on expressive and meaningful reading, proficiently wielded multiple technologies, and offered their unique understandings of text.
Consider reading preferences (Pachtman & Wilson, 2006) Explore genres (Risko & Walker-Dalhouse, 2011). Visually represent sequences of text (Naughton, 2008), Compose summaries (NICHD, 2000) Transform texts into dialogue ideal for movie production (Culham, 2011; Dorfman & Cappelli, 2007; Young & Rasinski, 2011) Students utilize software to produce a movie (National Governors Association for Best Practices & Council of Chief State School Officers, 2010) Literacy Skills and Processes Possible Research
Young, C., & Rasinski, T. (2009). Implementing Readers’ Theater as an approach to classroom fluency instruction. The Reading Teacher, 63(1), 4–14. Young, C., & Rasinski, T. (2011). Enhancing authors' voice through scripting. The Reading Teacher, 65(1), 24–28. Young, C., & Rasinski, T. (2013). Student produced movies as a medium for literacy development, The Reading Teacher. 66(8), References