Addressing Student Needs in an Era of New Content Standards. Arts Education: Day 2 NCDPI Summer Institutes 2012
1.How does this content area prepare students to be future ready? 2.How does this area connect to other content areas? 3.What are the implications for meeting the needs of all learners as related to this content area? Facilitated Team Time
Walk About Reflection
Future Directions in Arts Education State and National –Data and Initiatives –Implications
State of the Arts: North Carolina
Policy and Legislation Basic Education Program (§ 115C-81) The NC Standard Course of Study Common Core State StandardsNC Essential Standards
NC Legislation 1985 Basic Education ProgramBasic Education Program 2008 Joint Select Committee on Arts Education 2009 S66 and H S66 Arts Education Task Force H758 Arts Education Commission 2012 Legislation
S66 Comprehensive Arts Education Arts Education –(arts as core, academic subjects) Arts Integration –(arts as a catalyst for learning across the curriculum) Arts Exposure –(exposure to arts experiences)
Comprehensive Arts Education
NCDPI Alignment and Support: A+ Schools Program Data Collection and Analysis Monitoring and Collaboration Professional Development
Michelle Burrows | Director A+ Schools Program tel:
H758: Arts Education CommissionArts Education Commission Duties 3 Meetings (February – April 2012) Final Report (May 1, 2012) –5 Findings/Recommendations –3 Legislative Proposals in Report
H758: Arts Education CommissionArts Education Commission 1.Importance of Arts Education 2.Comprehensive Arts Education Task Force (Legislative Proposal 1) 3.Arts Education Graduation Requirement (Legislative Proposal 2) 4.Professional Development and Education in Arts Integration 5.Locally Driven Comprehensive Arts Education (Legislative Proposal 3)
S724: An Act to Improve Public Education requires that pre- service elementary teachers and lateral entry teachers are prepared to “integrate arts education across the curriculum”. Wide-scale education legislation signed into law by the Governor on June 26, 2012
Enrollment in Arts Education Courses, K-12 Dance2.99% Music59.85% Theatre Arts5.44% Visual Arts53.66% All Arts122.09%
NC Statistical Profile ELEMENTARYMIDDLEHIGHTOTAL ClassesStudentsClassesStudentsClassesStudentsClassesStudents DANCE 80816, , , % 4.33% 2.86% 2.99% MUSIC 28,529590,6288,773179,2269,01795,78846,319865, % 54.56% 22.04% 59.85% THEATRE ARTS 83617,4921,40929,5792,59931,5834,84478, % 9.01% 7.27% 5.44% VISUAL ARTS 26,356547,6037,093140,0786,99988,48140,448776, % 42.65% 20.36% 53.66% FOLK ARTS (K-12) 00541, , % 0.36% 0.15% 0.13% COMMUNITY COLLEGE ARTS % 0.09% 0.03% SUBTOTALS56,5291,172,34518,034364,27219,989229,347 94,5521,765, % % 52.78% % TOTAL STUDENTS IN NC SCHOOLS 683, , ,524 1,446,390
Licensed Arts Educators in NC DanceMusicTheatre Arts Visual Arts Total , , , ,434,436 Students (ADM)
Local Education Agency (LEA) Year Implemented Burke County Schools 1990 Columbus County Schools 1992 Newton Conover Schools 2007 Pitt County Schools* 2004 Rowan-Salisbury 2004 Local Arts Education Graduation Requirements * Pitt County has a Local School Board Policy (9.201) which calls for a comprehensive and sequential arts education, K-12, in addition to the local high school graduation requirement.
Arts Education: Dance, Music, Theatre Arts, Visual Arts Course Coding Updates
Highlights –Beginning, Intermediate, Proficient, Advanced courses in each discipline –Specialization by proficiency level in each discipline –AP and IB retain separate designations
High School Proficiency Levels BeginningIntermediateProficient*Advanced* Standards are for students with no or limited K-8 progression in the arts education discipline (dance, music, theatre arts, or visual arts). Standards are for students who have had a complete K-8 progression or who have achieved beginning level standards in the discipline at the high school level. Standards are for students who have achieved intermediate level standards in the discipline at the high school level. Standards are for students who have achieved proficient level standards in the discipline at the high school level.
High School Sequencing
High School Options Electives Requirements (Future-Ready Core) – 6 Electives requirements (NC Scholars) Interest or specializations 4-unit Concentrations
Concentration Recommendations Sequence of courses in an arts discipline with at least one advanced course (beyond intermediate level) Culminating project or capstone experience to demonstrate advanced skills –producing a student-written play –choreographing a dance for a public performance –publishing and conducting a student-written musical composition –producing a student exhibition of original art
Proficiency: Arts Education
What does it mean to be proficient? “well advanced in an art, occupation, or branch of knowledge” –proficient, adept, skilled, skillful, expert mean having great knowledge and experience in a trade or professionproficientadeptskilledskillfulexpert
Proficiency implies a thorough competence derived from training and practice implies knowledge as well as technical skill
Suggested Student Profile Upon entry to high school level study, it is suggested that each student be assessed via a student profile This profile should be maintained throughout the high school career, so that each student has a history of his/her education, academic performance, and experiences in the arts.
Suggested Student Profile The profile documents: –arts education and student academic performance in any of the four arts education disciplines at the K-8 levels, –arts studies that the student has completed outside of the school (private lessons, internships, studio classes, etc.).
Student Placement Those students who have had limited or NO instruction in the arts discipline prior to the high school level will enter at a beginning level of study in any high school coursework. Students may participate in a variety of electives from beginning through advanced levels in each of the arts disciplines.
Student Placement Practices student profile checklists and rubrics pre-requisites other criteria
Student Placement Resources Arts Education Wiki Other School Systems LinguaFolio (ArtsFolio) Future support: –Webinars, proficiency team SY –Formative and Summative Assessment Examples/Prototypes
State of the Arts: National
National Reports The Arts and Achievement in At-risk Youth: Findings From Four Longitudinal Studies (March 2012 – National Endowment for the Arts) At-risk teenagers or young adults with a history of intensive arts experiences show achievement levels closer to, and in some cases exceeding, the levels shown by the general population studied.
National Reports Arts Education in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools: and (April 2012 – US Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics) Contains Key Indicators for Arts Education in and comparisons with , where applicable.
US Instruction Available in Elementary Arts Education Year Dance Music Theatre Arts Visual Arts %94%20%87% %94%4%83%
US Instruction Available in Secondary Arts Education Year Dance Music Theatre Arts Visual Arts %90%48%93% %91%45%89%
Available now: Crosswalks Unpacking the Standards I Can Statements by Content Area In development: Graphic Organizers (available February 20, 2012) Assessments Formative: NC FALCON, ArtsFolio/Student Profile Assessment Examples Measures of Student Learning Learning Progressions/Learning Maps Terminologies Other Tools
National Standards National Standards (1994) National effort underway for re-conceptualization of the standards
National Standards Evidence of Learning (by art form) Enduring Understandings Essential Questions Learning Standards Model Cornerstone Assessments ) Creating, Performing/Sharing, Responding, Connecting/Connections Components within each process Enduring UnderstandingsEssential Questions Overarching Framework Philosophical FoundationsLifelong Goals
National Standards Media Arts Dance Music Theatre Arts Visual Arts
National Standards National Coalition for Core Arts Standards (NCCAS) Wiki:
MSL Updates Arts Education July 2012
MSL Updates Educator Effectiveness website (soon) –linked from Arts: More local control and less state direction
Jennifer Preston Race to the Top Project Coordinator for Teacher and Leader Effectiveness [P] [C] [F] MSL Contact
Teacher Evaluation Process “Teachers advocate for schools and students.” Standard I, Element D Teachers advocate for positive change in policies and practices affecting student learning. Standard I, Element D Teachers advocate for positive change in policies and practices affecting student learning. (Section G)
My professional commitment…
Building Local Capacity Go to your regional section of the wiki Upload at least one resource to share
Addressing the whole child prepares future- ready students who are competitive for work and post- secondary education and prepared for life in the 21st century.
I used to think…but now I know... Is a self-assessment and reflection exercise that helps students recognize whether and how their thinking has changed at the end of a sequence of instruction.
One Word How do you feel about standards implementation right now?
Evaluation and Future Directions What worked well Suggestions for improvement
NCDPI Arts Education Christie Lynch Ebert Arts Education Consultant (Dance and Music) and Liaison to the A+ Schools Program Brenda Wheat Whiteman A+ Arts Education Specialist Vacant Arts Education Consultant (Theatre Arts and Visual Arts) NC Department of Public Instruction - Division of K-12 Curriculum and Instruction K-12 Programs Section Helga Fasciano, Section Chief