How does government secure natural rights? “We the People” lesson 2
Homework assignment Use this book or the internet to write at least one sentence for each Term in the “Terms to Know” section Many of these terms will be tested so you need to understand them More importantly, this will teach you about the kind of government we should have. Use this book or the internet to write at least one sentence for each Term in the “Terms to Know” section Many of these terms will be tested so you need to understand them More importantly, this will teach you about the kind of government we should have.
What kind of government? We agree with the principles of the social contract: Natural rights Rule of law Consent of the governed Government’s role as rights protector We agree with the principles of the social contract: Natural rights Rule of law Consent of the governed Government’s role as rights protector
What kind of government? Goals of this new government? Rights protection Equal protection (rule of law) People choose their leaders Answer questions on page 7 Goals of this new government? Rights protection Equal protection (rule of law) People choose their leaders Answer questions on page 7
How do people grant consent? Explicitly People formally agree by ratifying a constitution One moves to country voluntarily Explicitly People formally agree by ratifying a constitution One moves to country voluntarily Implicitly Taking part in political process Accepting the laws Staying in the country Saying the pledge Implicitly Taking part in political process Accepting the laws Staying in the country Saying the pledge
Who decides if a government has failed? The citizens decide This is the right to revolution We exercise this right when government abuse our rights This is the purpose of the Second Amendment (right to bear arms) The citizens decide This is the right to revolution We exercise this right when government abuse our rights This is the purpose of the Second Amendment (right to bear arms)
What is constitutional government? Some characteristics: Limited government: must follow rules These rules are created in a constitution Power is separated People choose their leaders Respects and protects rights Some characteristics: Limited government: must follow rules These rules are created in a constitution Power is separated People choose their leaders Respects and protects rights
What is a Constitution? A document that defines the organization of government Set of rules that restrict government Imagine a set of huge chains A constitution alone does not guarantee liberty A document that defines the organization of government Set of rules that restrict government Imagine a set of huge chains A constitution alone does not guarantee liberty
Chains Picture
How did the founders characterize “Higher Law” It states that the citizens’ basic rights are life, liberty, and property It sets the purpose of government as rights protection Establishes “Private Domain”: areas where govt. has no business Changes MUST be approved by the people It states that the citizens’ basic rights are life, liberty, and property It sets the purpose of government as rights protection Establishes “Private Domain”: areas where govt. has no business Changes MUST be approved by the people
How does a constitutional government protect rights? Separated Power Different branches have different powers Executive Legislative Judicial Separated Power Different branches have different powers Executive Legislative Judicial Decentralized Power States have their own powers Tenth Amendment Competing governments Decentralized Power States have their own powers Tenth Amendment Competing governments
Madison Quote (learn this) If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. First governments protect us from each other Then we must protect ourselves from government If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. First governments protect us from each other Then we must protect ourselves from government
Washington Quote “ Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force.Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. ” We must organize government so that it does not get out of control “ Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force.Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. ” We must organize government so that it does not get out of control
Republic or Democrocy Republic: Elect representatives to rule Minority rights Limits to government Republic: Elect representatives to rule Minority rights Limits to government Democracy: Direct rule of the people Tyranny of the majority No inherent limits Mobocracy Democracy: Direct rule of the people Tyranny of the majority No inherent limits Mobocracy
How do we organize a government to prevent abuse? Create a government with separated powers: Executive, legislative, and judicial Create checks and balances Give some power over each to branch to each branch Enumerate the powers a government has. (Be specific) (Article 1, section 8) Create a government with separated powers: Executive, legislative, and judicial Create checks and balances Give some power over each to branch to each branch Enumerate the powers a government has. (Be specific) (Article 1, section 8)
Review: Do you know Social Contract Constitution Constitutional government Right to revolution Enumerated powers Ways to control government Social Contract Constitution Constitutional government Right to revolution Enumerated powers Ways to control government Checks and balances Federalism Private domain Explicit consent Key quotes Democracy republic Checks and balances Federalism Private domain Explicit consent Key quotes Democracy republic
Assignment Ideas Questions on page 12 Read and reflect on Federalist 51 Examine Hugo Chavez’s attempt to take total power from the Venezuelan people Questions on page 12 Read and reflect on Federalist 51 Examine Hugo Chavez’s attempt to take total power from the Venezuelan people
Articles to read Williams: Rights vs. wishesRights vs. wishes Rule of Law:Scott Ritsema | May LINKScott Ritsema | May LINK Tibor Michan: Positive Rights are bogus Tibor Michan: Positive Rights are bogus PDF PDF Williams: Rights vs. wishesRights vs. wishes Rule of Law:Scott Ritsema | May LINKScott Ritsema | May LINK Tibor Michan: Positive Rights are bogus Tibor Michan: Positive Rights are bogus PDF PDF