Every Student. Every School. smARTS begins with you: Becoming an arts advocate Using the arts to help our students & our schools thrive A Creative Solution Your Name Your Role or Affiliation
Every Student. Every School. The Law Supports the Arts: The Arts are Basic Curriculum Federal law defines the arts as a “core academic subject.” State law includes the arts in the definition of basic education. By law, arts instruction must include visual art, music, theatre, and dance.
Every Student. Every School. When students learn the arts in schools, they: Why Do the Arts in School Matter? Stay more engaged in school Do better academically Have fewer discipline problems Graduate high school at higher rates Attend & graduate college at higher rates Volunteer more as adults Have more fun!
Every Student. Every School. The 4 Cs: Creativity Critical Thinking Collaboration Communication The arts are essential in developing core 21 st century skills. 4 Cs + 3 = an equation for success!
Every Student. Every School. … Plus 3 A diverse population and global economy also demand: Cultural Competency Compassion Confidence 4 Cs + 3 = an equation for success! The arts empower young people to explore the world and discover themselves!
Every Student. Every School. Creativity and Innovation are in Demand Attributes developed by the arts are in demand, now & in the future. CEOs note creativity as top competency for success. Companies are screening for their future problem- solvers & innovators. “What would you do if you woke up and found an elephant in your backyard?”
Every Student. Every School. Engage in long term arts planning. Allocate funds for arts offerings. Invest in the tools, training, & curricula teachers need. Student Success = School Success Teach the Arts!
Every Student. Every School. Next Steps Visit ArtsEdWashington.org Get more information about arts education law in Washington. Read the research on the benefits of arts education. Access tools, resources, and programs to support your efforts.
Every Student. Every School. THANK YOU! facebook.com/ Artsedwashington.org