Development in Austin
West Campus Redevelopment
Multi-family residential Single- family residential Commercial
Zoning Revisions “West University Overlay” Heights up to 90’ in some areas, varies throughout West Campus (see map) Building setbacks between 10’ and 15’ At ground level, 75% of frontage must be dedicated to pedestrian- oriented, ground-level uses (e.g. shops, services, housing) Above 1 st storey, 42% of street-side building wall must contain occupant (resid. or commercial) spaces No trash bins, dumpsters, or service boxes obstructing sidewalk or adjoining space Masonry, metal and glass are the recommended surface materials [prohibited are highly-reflective glass (because of glare) and wood (because of rapid deterioration)] Attempt to respond to lower roof-lines in adjacent buildings with angled roofs, strong horizontal elements, etc. Many others see allsee all
Impacts Evident –Lots of demolition –Lots of construction –Deep excavations for parking –Much higher roof lines Expected –As much as more students living within walking-distance from campus –Livelier and more interesting pedestrian environment with shops and services at ground level –Reduction in overall traffic in Austin (up to 10,000 vehicle trips per day)
Downtown Development