Today’s objectives You will re-cap the various types of sponsorship You will look at the advantages & disadvantages of sponsorship in sport.
What are the types of sponsorship? Equipment required to take part: rackets, boots, clubs etc. Clothing Transport & travel – air, car, drivers etc. Money – to help with living costs Entry fees to competitions Food – they need to live!!
Benefits to the sponsor Advertising - can be cheaper through sport than using billboards & tv. Tax relief – Sponsors can claim tax back, saving them money Image – can be good if the right product / person being sponsored Research & development – trying new equipment on performers Goodwill – Some sponsors may just be keen to be involved even though they may not benefit from it Improved sales – The most beneficial to any sponsor. Say no more!
Is there a negative to sponsorship? -The performer must be seen to have a good positive image as it may have a negative effect on their product. (e.g cycling – Tour de France doping scandal) -SMOKING? – What has happened in the last 10 years? I doubt there’s many because otherwise companies wouldn’t do it!!
Tobacco sponsorship Sponsorship from tobacco companies could be seen to encourage smoking, particularly amongst young people. It could glamorize the image of smoking. The government has strict guidelines prohibiting direct advertising of tobacco products – tobacco sponsorship banned from sport. Nov 1997 – Labour govt allow sponsorship of Formula 1, but are giving the sport 10 years to phase out the deals from tobacco. Other sports were given 3 years i.e. snooker.
Advantages & disadvantages…. Task 1 Split into two groups on your tables: Group 1 - make a list of the advantages Group 2 - make a list of the disadvantages of sponsorship to an individual or event.
Smoking…. Unacceptable sponsorship? Can you think of what tobacco companies sponsor or have sponsored in the past? -Darts - Embassy -Snooker - Embassy -Formula 1 racing - Marlboro -Cricket – Benson & Hedges
Spot the difference!!