Our mission To advance women, grow business and transform our industry’s workplace through the power of our community Events and conferences Best practices and research on women’s leadership Learning programs and webinars Networking and business opportunities Access to mentoring Leadership opportunities About the Network The Network of Executive Women is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit educational organization with more than 9,000 members representing 750 companies and more than 100 corporate sponsors. Founded in 2001, the Network advances women's leadership and builds business for emerging leaders, mid-level managers, senior executives and the organizations they work for. Women make or influence 80 percent of all purchases.¹ They buy 82 percent of all groceries and three-quarters of over-the-counter medications. 2 They comprise nearly half of the retail industry’s workforce. Yet they make up less than 19 percent of the industry’s executive officers and a miniscule 1.8 percent of our CEOs. 3 Research shows that companies with the most women executives produced a 126 percent return to shareholders versus 38 percent for companies with the fewest women executives. 3 When companies open the door to women leaders, they open the door to new thinking, increased productivity, closer bonds with employees, and increased affinity with female consumers. NEW is the key to opening doors for your women leaders. You’re in good company Albertsons ? ? 1. FMI 2. GMA, FMI 3. Catalyst ABC Products Company CAB Foods Inc. Delta Manufacturing ABC Products Company CAB Foods Inc. Delta Manufacturing ABC Widget Company CAB Widgets Inc. Delta Manufacturing ABC Products Company CAB Foods Inc. Delta Manufacturing ABC Products Company CAB Foods Inc. Delta Manufacturing ABC Products Company CAB Foods Inc. Delta Manufacturing CAB Foods Inc. Delta Manufacturing ABC Products Company CAB Foods Inc. Advance women’s leadership with NEW These companies support the INSERT REGION region of the Network of Executive Women.
Step up as a NEW Carolinas sponsor As a Network regional sponsor, you’re an integral part of NEW’s vibrant regional events, featured in event programs, signage, printed materials, s and social media when available. Your support of the Network and women’s leadership will make an impression on your industry, your community and your employees. Most important, it will help attract and retain women leaders in your organization and the retail, consumer goods and services industry. Our Services Barriers to women’s leadership include lack of mentors and sponsors, exclusion from informal networks, female stereotyping and male-dominated corporate cultures. NEW helps women leaders develop their own networks, find mentors and sponsors, and transform our industry’s workplaces. It helps your company retain valuable women leaders, who can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to replace. By advancing women leaders, you help the retail and consumer goods industry become an "employer of choice" for talented women. The bottom line Learn more about sponsorship of NEW Carolinas Contact Firstname Lastname at Count the benefits Recognition in program, printed materials, s, publicity and signage One national membership providing access to NEW’s online member directory Logo listed on the Regional Group page on newonline.org Networking events that inspire and motivate Quality programs with nationally known speakers provide valuable training opportunities for as little as $60 Connections that build relationships for your company and it employees VIP seating at regional events Pre-event committee dinner Low fees that sponsor two events a year NEW has 20 regions in the U.S. and Canada newonline.org