Dave on the iPad
What kind of ereader device did you use to read your book? A.Kindle B.Nook C.iPad D.Smartphone app E.Computer F.Other (please share device in chat)
How would you rate your ereading experience? A.Loved it B.Liked it C.Hated it D.Didn’t care for it, but would like to try again with a difference device E.Other (please share in chat)
Your eReading experience… What did you like? Dislike? What is their future?
How do eReaders fit in libraries?
Take 2 Take two minutes to write down your initial response to the idea of ebooks – in the library and/or for personal reading
What are some common questions you want to answer when considering purchasing ebooks for your library?
Follett Explore the Follett site. What questions occurred to you as you were exploring? What questions would you need to ask before you began investing in ebooks for your library?
Overdrive School Download Library Take some time to explore the Uhigh Digital Library Pay attention to the “Getting Started” section on the left side of the page to help answer some of your questions.
Selection Policies Examine the policy you brought from your own school, or one of the samples on the wiki. What are the values of having such a policy? Are there drawbacks? What things to you think are non-negotiable (all selections policies should contain them)?
For next week Reminder: you should be in your discussion boards for the nonfiction lit circle assignment by now! Guest Speaker Kat Kan: What questions do you have about manga & graphic novels? them to me by Monday.