SG meeting , CERN International Masterclasses 2014 Status Central Coordination Uta Bilow, Ken Cecire
International Masterclasses countries, 160 institutes 40 video conferences with CERN (36) 108 institutes registered for CERN-VC (129) 132 Masterclasses with CERN-VC (158) –ALICE: 11 (10) –ATLAS W: 39 (50) –ATLAS Z: 51 (58) –CMS: 32 (40) LHCb: separate orga for 2014 Vava
Organisation Central Coordination Coordination Fermilab-based: Ken Coordination CERN-based: Uta joint Internet presence Working Group Video Conference Kate Shaw, Marzena Lapka, Michael Hauschild, UB Tasks: evaluate feedback work on further improvement of material for CERN-VC Training for moderators Update quiz Prepare evaluation with institutes Steering group Nicolas Arnaud (consultant) Ralf Averbeck (ALICE R_AA) Uta Bilow (coord.) Ken Cecire (coord. and CMS) Yiota Foka (ALICE) Vladimir Gligorov (LHCb) Despina Hatzifotiadou (ALICE S.P.) Michael Kobel (project leader and ATLAS W) Farid Ould-Saada (ATLAS Z) Pete Watkins (consultant) NEW
Expansion initiative for 2014 Australian Masterclass, 3 rd Oct 2013 Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, and Medford MA ATLAS Z path 14:30 in Australia Midnight in U.S. Thanks Ben Auerbach! Americas & beyond more in U.S. more in Europe ~ 5 outside More in Asia? workshops?
New idea to promote discussion between institutes Each institute assigned to question one other Based on comments from Vancouver Tried with Australian masterclass – positive feedback What do you think? New Masterclass Library project …. still in progress. Fermilab Videoconferences
Webpage for educators For teacher- facilitated Masterclasses in schools Still in progress
Vidyo improvements (Joao) New Vidyo-client, end of Nov 2013 –Chat integrated (1 to 1, group) –Visual indication of speaker (?) –Recording
LHCb Measurement presented to SG and formally approved Planning for 2014: –17 institutes from 7 countries –6 video conferences –Webpage Todo list: –Finish improvements –Translations
ALICE – Looking for strange particles Development of JAVA version of order to be independent of ROOT and Operating System (not ready for 2014) Virtual Machine for Windows an ubuntu virtual machine was developed, now under test, might be ready for 2014 Polish and Greek will be added, Swedish proposed
ALICE – R_AA package is “stable” since a while only “cosmetic” changes, mostly in large-scale analysis macro package available for download in various formats, including a bootable DVD image! documentation currently available in English and German (Czech & Italian for 2014)
CMS W/Z Measurement WZH: –Add 10 x [H –Each set of 100 will have 3 Higgs candidates one ZZ two Editgrid – seeking to replace
W+/W- ratio Runs low ~ 1.2 average CMS: –W e hard to distinguish at high ATLAS: –Undercounting of WW
ATLAS W path Master thesis by Julia Woithe (Dresden) on average only 44% of WW candidates found by students large variability between different institutes Solution new selection criteria (reduce cut by 5-10 GeV) Misidentification biased W+/W- ratio More: too much lecture and not enough time for exercise and analysis gave worse results
ATLAS Translation Tool Straightforward Traffic light system shows progress Translations recommended, but optional for W path 2014 (no change of physics content)
ATLAS Z path Website migration to Oslo Stable, minor updates –Difficult di-photons and 4-leptons being sorted out Web-based Hypatia? Looping over full statistics for 201x
Discussion points Is there interest in looping/automated analysis? Websites: how do you use them and what would you like to see? Guides for tutors: Do you find them useful? Should we seek more publicity for IMC? How? Should IMC expand into other countries / developing countries? How? What can we offer the most motivated and interest students? Follow-up of IMC?