What is Asynchronous Learning? Asynchronous learning is a student-centered teaching method that uses online resources to facilitate information sharing outside the constraints of time and place among a network of people. Asynchronous learning is based on constructivist theory which is a student-centered approach that emphasizes the importance of peer-to-peer interaction. Asynchronous learning is a student-centered teaching method that uses online resources to facilitate information sharing outside the constraints of time and place among a network of people. Asynchronous learning is based on constructivist theory which is a student-centered approach that emphasizes the importance of peer-to-peer interaction.constructivist theory constructivist theory This approach combines self-study with asynchronous interactions to promote learning, and it can be used to facilitate learning in traditional on- campus education, distance education, and continuing education. This combined network of learners and the electronic network in which they communicate are referred to as an asynchronous learning network. (wikipedia.org) This approach combines self-study with asynchronous interactions to promote learning, and it can be used to facilitate learning in traditional on- campus education, distance education, and continuing education. This combined network of learners and the electronic network in which they communicate are referred to as an asynchronous learning network. (wikipedia.org)(wikipedia.org)
Systems of Management The online learning resources used to support asynchronous learning include , electronic mailing lists, threaded conferencing systems, and online discussion boards, wikis, and blogs. Course Management systems such as Blackboard, WebCT, Moodle, and Sakai, have been developed to support online interaction, allowing users to organize discussions, post and reply to messages, and upload and access multimedia. These asynchronous forms of communication are sometimes supplemented to include text and voice chat, videoconferencing and meetings in virtual spaces such as Second Life, where discussions can be facilitated among groups of students. The online learning resources used to support asynchronous learning include , electronic mailing lists, threaded conferencing systems, and online discussion boards, wikis, and blogs. Course Management systems such as Blackboard, WebCT, Moodle, and Sakai, have been developed to support online interaction, allowing users to organize discussions, post and reply to messages, and upload and access multimedia. These asynchronous forms of communication are sometimes supplemented to include text and voice chat, videoconferencing and meetings in virtual spaces such as Second Life, where discussions can be facilitated among groups of students.electronic mailing lists, threaded conferencing systems online discussion boards, Course Management systems BlackboardWebCT MoodleSakaiSecond Lifeelectronic mailing lists, threaded conferencing systems online discussion boards, Course Management systems BlackboardWebCT MoodleSakaiSecond Life
Strengths of Asynchronous Learning Freedom as it provides access to the course and its instructional materials at anytime, and any location with an internet connection. Freedom as it provides access to the course and its instructional materials at anytime, and any location with an internet connection. Provides a high degree of interactivity between participants who are separated geographically. Provides a high degree of interactivity between participants who are separated geographically. Offers many of the benefits of face-to-face interaction. Offers many of the benefits of face-to-face interaction. Also records everything that occurs in the environment. All materials can be electronically archived. Also records everything that occurs in the environment. All materials can be electronically archived. Allows time for reflection and reaction to others Allows time for reflection and reaction to others
Allows students to work at their own pace. Allows students to work at their own pace. Allows students control of the pace of instructional information Allows students control of the pace of instructional information Fewer time restrictions, flexible hours. Fewer time restrictions, flexible hours. Students can submit questions to instructors at any time of day Students can submit questions to instructors at any time of day
Weaknesses of Asynchronous Learning Costly initial setup for infrastructure, servers, audiovisual equipment, software, and technical support, training, user management, data storage, and recovery, possible repairs, updates, and maintenance. Costly initial setup for infrastructure, servers, audiovisual equipment, software, and technical support, training, user management, data storage, and recovery, possible repairs, updates, and maintenance. Students must have computer/technology and skills required to participate in asynchronous learning environment. Students must have computer/technology and skills required to participate in asynchronous learning environment. Student may feel isolated. Student may feel isolated.
What is Synchronous Learning? Synchronous Learning refers to a group of people learning the same things at the same time in the same place. Synchronous Learning refers to a group of people learning the same things at the same time in the same place. This is the type of pedagogy practiced in schools and undergraduate programs. Lectures are an example of synchronous learning. This is the type of pedagogy practiced in schools and undergraduate programs. Lectures are an example of synchronous learning. Eluminate is a synchronous forum used for online discussions used in both academic and corporate forums. Eluminate is a synchronous forum used for online discussions used in both academic and corporate forums. Audio symposiums are a type of synchronous learning. Audio symposiums are a type of synchronous learning.
Strengths of Synchronous Learning Group meetings and/or activities requiring group consensus or simultaneous response. Group meetings and/or activities requiring group consensus or simultaneous response. Fast and efficient exchange of ideas. Fast and efficient exchange of ideas. Useful for brainstorming or replicating face-to-face situations. Useful for brainstorming or replicating face-to-face situations. Successful in small group settings Successful in small group settings
Weaknesses Weaknesses of Synchronous Learning Weaknesses Instruction is not self-paced Instruction is not self-paced Does not allow for flexibility, any time, any place instruction. Does not allow for flexibility, any time, any place instruction. Time zones and scheduling may pose a problem. Time zones and scheduling may pose a problem. Student availability Student availability Need for constant monitoring/management during instruction. Need for constant monitoring/management during instruction.
Insufficient time for student reflection. Insufficient time for student reflection. Insufficient time Insufficient time Large classes are unmanageable for instructors. Large classes are unmanageable for instructors. Scheduling of students in the chat room at the same time is a problem. Scheduling of students in the chat room at the same time is a problem. Very slow response due to typing or audio problems. Very slow response due to typing or audio problems.
Conclusion – which is best ? Central to making the best possible choice of either Asynchronous or Synchronous Learning is which offers the better quality of learning, or as many say, “the best bang for your buck!” Central to making the best possible choice of either Asynchronous or Synchronous Learning is which offers the better quality of learning, or as many say, “the best bang for your buck!”
Asynchronous – why? The faculty in articles researched were of the general consensus that Asynchronous Learning missed the mark when it came to strengthening group problem-solving skills, verbal skills, and oral presentation abilities. The faculty in articles researched were of the general consensus that Asynchronous Learning missed the mark when it came to strengthening group problem-solving skills, verbal skills, and oral presentation abilities.
But, felt that web-based courses did a better job of giving students access to information, helping them master the subject, and also at addressing a variety of learning styles than did Synchronous Learning. But, felt that web-based courses did a better job of giving students access to information, helping them master the subject, and also at addressing a variety of learning styles than did Synchronous Learning.
Strengths vs. Weaknesses Of the two learning environments, Asynchronous Learning had fewer weaknesses, and provided more flexibility than did the Synchronous Learning environment. Of the two learning environments, Asynchronous Learning had fewer weaknesses, and provided more flexibility than did the Synchronous Learning environment.
References References Center for Learning and Professional Development: type of online learning. Retrieved October 10 th, 2009 from: g/ g/ g/ EDUCAUSE/American Council on Education:Diana Oblinger, Author. Distributed education and its challenges: An overview. Retrieved October 5 th 2009 from ndItsChal/ ndItsChal/ ndItsChal/ Google Images: retrieved October 10 th, 2009 from: T.H.E. Journal: Promoting Synchronous Interaction in an eLearning Environment. Retrieved October 5 th, 2009 from Synchronous-Interaction-in-an-elearning- environment.aspx?sc_lang=en Synchronous-Interaction-in-an-elearning- environment.aspx?sc_lang=en Synchronous-Interaction-in-an-elearning- environment.aspx?sc_lang=en Wikipedia. Asynchronous Learning. Retrieved October 10 th 2009 from