A Divine Person 1
Vs 26 mentions the Trinity Much misunderstanding of Holy Spirit today “God’s Holy Spirit is not a God, not a member of the trinity, not coequal, and is not even a person… It is God’s active force… maybe like a radar beam” – The Watchtower by the Jehovah’s Witnesses Consider – Deut 29:29 The Holy Spirit is God; a Third person of the Trinity Take a look at the Holy Spirit as a Divine person 2
Does not mean a physical body – Lk 24:36-40 Person: “A being characterized by conscious apprehension, rationality, and a moral sense. A being possessing or forming the subject of personality.” – Webster’s Dictionary Christ speaks of Holy Spirit as a person Characteristics of a person Intellect – Rom 8:27 Love – Rom 15:30 Will – 1 Cor 12:11 & Jn 3:8 3
Holy Spirit does the work of a person He speaks – 1 Tim 4:1; Mt 10:19-20; 2 Sam 23:2; Mk 13:11; Acts 2:4; 2 Pet 1:19-21 He teaches – 1 Cor 2:12-13; Neh 9:20; Lk 12:11-12; Jn 14:23-26 He guides – Jn 16:13-14 He forbids – Act 16:6-7 He searches – 1 Cor 2:10 He witnesses – Act 20:22-23; Rom 8:16; Heb 10:15; 1 Jn 5:5-7 4
The Holy Spirit suffers the indiffernence and injuries of a person Grieved – Eph 4:30 Spited/insulted – Heb 10:29 Lied to – Acts 5:3 5
Defining divine – Acts 17:29 & Rom 1:20 The Spirit is called God – Acts 5:1-4 The Holy Spirit has attributes of deity Eternal – Heb 9:14 All-knowing – 1 Cor 2:10-11 All present – Ps 139:7-12 The Holy Spirit does the work of deity Creation – Gen 1:1-2 Providence of nature – Ps 104:30 Miracles – Mt 12:28 & 1 Cor 12:7-11 6
The Holy Spirit is indeed a divine person He is now inviting you to come to Christ Rev 22:17 7