GEOSS- Washington 2005 The International Seismological centre An Earth Observation System of Systems Avi Shapira – International seismological Centre, UK Comments by: Diana Comte – University of Chile
GEOSS- Washington 2005 An international non-governmental non-profit making scientific organization, charged with the final collection, analysis and publication of earthquake source information from all over the globe. Formed in 1964 by the initiative of UNESCO. Successor of the International Seismological Summary ( ). Members: National Academies, Scientific institutions and non-profit making organizations.
GEOSS- Washington 2005 Main Objectives 1.Final collection, analysis and publication of standard earthquake information from all over the world. 2.Re-determine earthquake locations making use of all available information. 3.Re-determine earthquake magnitudes mb and Ms. 4.Search for new earthquakes, previously unidentified by individual agencies. 5.Maintain the International Seismic Station Registry. 6.Serve as a depository of global seismological data.
GEOSS- Washington 2005 A DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM OF DATA COLLECTION SYSTEMS Measurements: Associated and non associated readings of seismic wave arrival times, measured amplitudes and periods, Array processing results (Slowness and Azimuth). Evaluations: Event locations, Seismic Moments and Moment tensors, Fault Plane Solutions, Magnitudes. Other data: Macroseimic observations, Event Classification.
GEOSS- Washington 2005 DATA ARE PUSHED RATHER THAN RETRIEVED All data arrive by . Data messages are automatically parsed and inserted in the relational Data Base. Data start being received few days after events occur, continuously updating the on-line non-reviewed ISC bulletin. ISC strict schedule requires ALL data to arrive at least 18 month after event occurrence to provide a reviewed ISC Bulletin 24 months or less after occurrence. The extended time for data collection reflects the interests of the contributors.
GEOSS- Washington 2005 Data contributed by more than 100 agencies
GEOSS- Washington 2005 Data Processing and Analysis ISC analysts manually review every event that complies with one of the following conditions: The reported magnitude is higher than 3.5. The event was reported by at least 2 agencies The event was recorded at a distance greater than ~1000 km. An ISC solution is provided when: There are more than 4 phase readings (P or S). The solution converges successfully. ABOUT 3500 EVENTS WITH MORE THAN ASSOCIATED READINGS ARE REVIEWED EACH MONTH
GEOSS- Washington 2005 The ongoing growth of the ISC data base
GEOSS- Washington 2005 DATA COLLECTION Data collected from more than 3000 seismic stations
GEOSS- Washington 2005 ISC – Data completeness of global seismicity
GEOSS- Washington 2005 Needs ! More stations in seismic regions such as in South America, Asia and Africa. Ocean Bottom Seismometers. Facilitate temporal deployment of seismic networks (e.g., “ PASSCAL ” consortia)
GEOSS- Washington 2005 ISC – The world ’ s reference to global seismicity
GEOSS- Washington 2005 Distribution of ISC Catalogue and Bulletin Every 4 months: 1.A 4-month printed Bulletin including only source parameters of edited events. 2. An attached CD-ROM with 1.A Comprehensive Catalogue (FFB and ISF files). 2.A Comprehensive Bulletin (FFB and ISF files). 3.A PDF file of a complete 4-month Bulletin. THESE FILES ARE ALSO AVAILABLE FROM THE ISC WEBSITE AND FROM THE FTP SERVER THESE FILES ARE ALSO AVAILABLE FROM THE ISC WEBSITE AND FROM THE FTP SERVER.
GEOSS- Washington 2005 Distribution of ISC Catalogue and Bulletin 1. A CD-ROM with: A Comprehensive Catalogue 1904-recent (FFB and ISF files). A Regional Catalogue (PDF file) of the last year edited events. PDF files of format descriptions, programs to read and view data. 2. A CD- ROM with: 12 Comprehensive monthly Bulletins (compressed FFB and ISF files) PDF files of 12 monthly Bulletins (edited events only). THESE FILES ARE ALSO AVAILABLE FROM THE ISC WEBSITE AND FROM THE FTP SERVER Annual
GEOSS- Washington 2005 INTERNET DATA SERVICES Waveform and additional earthquake data: Links to: USGS, Harvard Univ., Michigan Univ., Univ. Cal. Berkeley, Univ. Oregon, ORFEUS, COSMOS and NSMP. Seismic waveform using IRIS Data Handling Interface. Distribute ISC Bulletin through the IRIS DHI. Bibliography of Seismology ( ). Station Book and International Registry of Seismic Stations. Automated SKS splitting measurements. Documentation. Address Book of Seismologists and Seismological Institutions. Reference Events.
GEOSS- Washington 2005 INTERNET DATA SERVICES Linkage to Cyberinfrastructure activities
GEOSS- Washington 2005 Response to emergency situations Acquiring macroseismic information from the affected areas. EQ-Info: Networking databases for Real Time earthquake scenarios. Smoothing progress of people and equipment across borders.
GEOSS- Washington 2005 FUTURE PLANS MODERNIZE SEISMIC STATION CODE NAMES The coding system in the International Station registry does not meet all current requirements by the parametric data centres (ISC, NEIC, EMSC) and by data contributors. - IASPEI established a special working group to come up with recommendations. -Any recommended new system will require changes to almost all ISC s/w.
GEOSS- Washington 2005 FUTURE PLANS - autoSEM MODERNIZE AND AUTOMATE MAGNITUDE DETERMINATIONS The amplitudes for standard magnitude scales mb and Ms are not homogeneously measured. The few agencies that systematically report amplitudes, heavily bias ISC magnitude determinations. ISC has to introduce a standard scale : Mw - ISC will develop a program autoSEM that will automatically collect Seismic Moment information and provide ISC Mw magnitudes.. - autoSEM will be able to automatically retrieve waveform data from selected stations and apply existing procedures (donated modules) to determine Mo, Mw, mb and Ms.
GEOSS- Washington 2005 For more information
GEOSS- Washington 2005 THANK YOU