At your desk: 1. Introduce yourself to your team 2. Color Name Tag It will be used all year! Make it nice. 3. Math Journal 4. Planner By the end of class today: You will be able to familiarize yourself with our class. Life lessons: Be Present- Minded Be Committed to Excellence Be a Positive Force Take Action!
Today: Remember: A little kindness goes a long way! Circle ArtCircle Art SyllabusSyllabus About this classAbout this class DrillsDrills Begin LessonsBegin Lessons
Circle Art: Remember: A little kindness goes a long way! Decorate your quarter circle!Decorate your quarter circle!
Emergency Procedures Evacuation Line# 32 Lock down Earthquake
Lesson: Remember: A little kindness goes a long way! Star Activity Lesson 1.1 Lesson 1.1
Activity: Math Stars With your group, read through and complete activity 1-1 at the bottom of textbook page 3. Materials (one per group): Scissors Resource page 1.1.1A Construction paper Textbook: Page 3 Glue Stick Colored Pen/ Maker
Homework: Signed Syllabus Finish Circle Art **** Remember: A little kindness goes a long way!
Before you go.. Facilitator Does your team ‘look’ ready to go? Resource Manager Team Captain Recorder/Reporter Are all the supplies stocked up? Does your team ‘Sound’ ready to go? Did everyone ‘record’ their homework?