By Jemuttai & Ed
Episode:5 INDIA
Hi my name is Alice I am 16 years old
My parents left for work yesterday for work but they are still not back yet!! I’m starting to get scared
We moved to Indian jungle last year from England, we moved to India for my parents work.
My mum goes to an art lesson every day for seven hours but she is not back
This is my house…….
In this new house my room is as nearly the size of my parents This is my room
I think ahead if they don’t come back, I go into the kitchen and make myself some supper
I pull open the fridge door and the cold chill breeze touches my skin and gives me goose bumps I bull out some chicken and cheese and make myself a chicken and cheese sandwich
As I am munching away onto my cold sandwich I gaze into the dark heartless jungle.
The jungle noises are piercing my ears and I look away it frightens me how close are to the jungle there is only a slow running river crossing our paths
Hello Alice
I walk into the living room and jump onto the couch and grab my ba-xi I am working on one of my new puzzles but I think I might have stuffed it up
I am on my ba-xi and suddenly a tiger roars which is so loud It shakes the house
I am getting so worried I think I might be sick, I call my mum but her phone is disconnected I call my dad but the phone goes to the message bank
This is brad he always helps me get through the tough times
I get really stressed!!I talk to brad about the things I am worried about and brad replies everything will be alright.I wish what brad says was true but I don’t think it is. Its going to be alright
I walk into to my bedroom and look out the window it is too dark to see at least 10 meters. I hear rattling in the front room but I just think it’s a bug buzzing around.
I go into the kitchen and look out the window hoping to see my mum or dads headlights coming down the dirty damp road
But no, their not coming
I know there not going to be back tonight so I call it a night
I hear the rattling in the front room again so I walk into the room wondering what was making that noise
I peek my head around the door and see a orange tail with black stripes
I jump to the wall and gasp very loud and start breathing fast my heart beating a mile a minute
I run to my bedroom knowing there’s a tiger in my front room
I jump under my bed and I remember I left the front window open
I call my mum there is still no but its still disconnected
The tiger roars and everything shakes
I try and call animal control but my ba-xi has connection
I scream in to the floor
The loud steps of the tigers feet coming down the hall way
With just enough time I get out under my bed and scramble to the closet and hide myself in there that in probably the only place it won’ be seen.As soon as it shut the door the tiger comes into the room.I close my fists and close my eyes as the tiger growls
The tiger lays down onto my bedroom floor and growls and then puts its head on the floor I think its sleeping
I stare at the tiger with my eyes wide open with my mouth dropping to the ground Then brad says something “if you listen closely rescue isn’t far away
I hear a car pulling in to the driveway.I slowly open the door and step out the tiger is sound asleep
I walk as slowly as possible and hold my breath, as soon as I get out of the room I run outside It’s my dad I run to him and hug him and say “were have you been” with tears drizzling down my face
I tell him the whole story and he is just staring at me in shock gets the net and tranquiliser gun from the car as he is loading the gun the tiger roars and makes my jump up
My dad slowly opens the door and the tiger is coming out of my room and stares at him and growls It is like a stand of, my dad aims his gun and shoots the tiger but the load noise sets the tiger off and runs into the kitchen
My dad looks in through the kitchen window and aims his gun at the tigers neck BANG!!! The tiger is slowly dropping it falls to the ground and stops moving
My dad goes into the kitchen and puts the net around the tiger and drags the tiger and calls animal portal
I ask my dad and ask were mum he replies “don’t you remember I went to drop her off at the airport because she is going to Australia to sell her paintings
I hug dad and don’t say anything I just hug him and let the sounds of the jungle drift me away into a deep sleep
I next thing I knew was I woke up in my bed
My dad walks in and gives me breakfast in bed and says”this is for being so brave yesterday. I smile and take the tray and put on my bed and hug him