1 Prof. Nizamettin AYDIN Digital Signal Processing
2 Lecture 2 Phase & Time-Shift Complex Exponentials
3 License Info for SPFirst Slides This work released under a Creative Commons License with the following terms:Creative Commons License Attribution The licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work. In return, licensees must give the original authors credit. Non-Commercial The licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work. In return, licensees may not use the work for commercial purposes—unless they get the licensor's permission. Share Alike The licensor permits others to distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the one that governs the licensor's work. Full Text of the License This (hidden) page should be kept with the presentation
4 READING ASSIGNMENTS This Lecture: –Chapter 2, Sects. 2-3 to 2-5 Appendix A: Complex Numbers Appendix B: MATLAB Next Lecture: finish Chap. 2, –Section 2-6 to end
5 LECTURE OBJECTIVES Define Sinusoid Formula from a plot Relate TIME-SHIFT to PHASE Introduce an ABSTRACTION: Complex Numbers represent Sinusoids Complex Exponential Signal
6 SINUSOIDAL SIGNAL FREQUENCY –Radians/sec –or, Hertz (cycles/sec) PERIOD (in sec) AMPLITUDE –Magnitude PHASE
7 PLOTTING COSINE SIGNAL from the FORMULA Determine period: Determine a peak location by solving Peak at t=-4
8 ANSWER for the PLOT Use T=20/3 and the peak location at t=-4
9 TIME-SHIFT In a mathematical formula we can replace t with t-t m Then the t=0 point moves to t=t m Peak value of cos( (t-t m )) is now at t=t m
11 PHASE TIME-SHIFT Equate the formulas: and we obtain: or,
12 TIME-SHIFT Whenever a signal can be expressed in the form x 1 (t)=s(t-t 1 ), we say that x 1 (t) is time shifted version of s(t) –If t 1 is a + number, then the shift is to the right, and we say that the signal s(t) has been delayed in time. –If t 1 is a - number, then the shift is to the left, and we say that the signal s(t) was advanced in time.
13 SINUSOID from a PLOT Measure the period, T –Between peaks or zero crossings –Compute frequency: = 2 /T Measure time of a peak: t m –Compute phase: = - t m Measure height of positive peak: A 3 steps
14 (A, , ) from a PLOT
15 SINE DRILL (MATLAB GUI) Sine drill 1 st, type spfirst in matlab, then run sindrill.
16 PHASE is AMBIGUOUS The cosine signal is periodic – Period is 2 –Thus adding any multiple of 2 leaves x(t) unchanged
17 COMPLEX NUMBERS To solve: z 2 = -1 – z = j – Math and Physics use z = i Complex number: z = x + j y x yz Cartesian coordinate system 12Ekim2k11
20 Complex drill 1 st, type spfirst in matlab, then run zdrill.
21 *** POLAR FORM *** Vector Form –Length =1 –Angle = Common Values 1 has angle of j has angle of 0.5 1 has angle of j has angle of 1.5 also, angle of j could be 0.5 1.5 2 because the PHASE is AMBIGUOUS
22 POLAR RECTANGULAR Relate (x,y) to (r, ) Need a notation for POLAR FORM Most calculators do Polar-Rectangular
23 Euler’s FORMULA Complex Exponential –Real part is cosine –Imaginary part is sine –Magnitude is one
24 COMPLEX EXPONENTIAL Interpret this as a Rotating Vector t Angle changes vs. time ex: rad/s Rotates in 0.01 secs
25 Rotating phasors demo
26 cos = REAL PART Real Part of Euler’s General Sinusoid So,
27 REAL PART EXAMPLE Answer: Evaluate:
28 COMPLEX AMPLITUDE Then, any Sinusoid = REAL PART of Xe j t General Sinusoid Complex AMPLITUDE = X