PI 34 Synopsis Wisconsin Quality Educator Initiative.


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Presentation transcript:

PI 34 Synopsis Wisconsin Quality Educator Initiative

Guiding Principles of PI 34 Creates a shared vision of what educators should know and be able to do to improve student learning Develops career-long professional development Creates performance based assessment of preparation and practice Addresses challenges and opportunities presented by diverse student populations Improves access to equitable educational opportunities for all students 2

3 Wisconsin Rule Changes PI 34 applies to pre-service teachers completing programs after 8/31/2004 PI 34 licensing renewal options are available for veteran teachers, pupil services personnel, and administrators

4 The Wisconsin Educator Standards 10 Teacher Standards 7 Pupil Service Standards 7 Administrator Standards Each Standard has 3 parts Knowledge (Content) What the educator knows Dispositions (Attitudes) Performances (Skills) What the educator can do

5 License Stages Initial Educator Professional Educator Other Options 1. Maintain professional educator license 2. Pursue Master Educator license through National Board Certification or the Wisconsin Process (master’s degree, assessed on all teacher standards by 3 DPI trained assessors in the field 3. Pursue Administrative or Pupil Service license

6 Initial Educator Initial Educator: An individual who has successfully completed an approved program after August 31, 2004 and who is issued an Initial Educator License by the DPI for the first time in a particular category (Teaching, Pupil Service, Administration).

7 Initial Educator (cont). Length of license is 5-year Requires a Professional Development Plan (PDP) with one goal addressing 2 standards for license advancement to Professional Educator stage Requires a PDP Review Team for plan approval and for plan verification Initial Educator License may be renewed if the individual has not been employed as an educator in the licensure area for at least 3 yrs. within the 5-year period.

8 Initial Educator PDP Review Team 1. A peer of the same licensure *category (not a mentor). 2. An administrator designated by the district Superintendent and subject to approval by the school board. 3. An Institute of Higher Education (IHE) representative *Teacher, Administrator, or Pupil Services

9 Initial Educator PDP Review Team Requested by the Initial Educator Team members must complete DPI PDP Review Team training and be registered on the DPI web site Must perform review for PDP Goal Approval Must review PDP each year Must perform review for PDP Verification of Completion in final year plan

10 Initial Educator License Cycle Recommended Timeline Year 1:Reflection and work with mentor; become familiar with PDP process Year 2:Submit plan with checklist no later than January 15 to PDP Review Team for approval of goal. Submit PDP Goal Approval Form to DPI. Years 2-4: Document an annual review by June 30; review must include reflection and any revisions Year 5:Submit documentation of PDP completion to PDP Review Team by January 15. Submit DPI license application, application fee, and PDP Verification Signature Form to DPI – June 1

11 Quality Educator Interactive - QEI

12 Professional Educator Stage 5 year renewable Professional Educator License Requires a PDP addressing 2 or more standards for license renewal PDP Review Team verifies completion Current educators are grand-parented as professional educators and may renew license using 6 credits or PDP

13 Professional Educator PDP Review Team Includes 3 peers licensed in the same category (teacher, pupil services, or administrator) Team members completed DPI PDP Review Team training Reviews and verifies completion of the PDP in the final year of the PDP

14 Professional Educator License Cycle Guidelines Year 1:Reflection and creation of PDP. Officially the goal does not need to be approved by review team. Years 2-4: Annual reviews are required years 2, 3, and 4. Due by June 1. Year 5:Submit completed PDP documentation to the PDP Team by January 15. Year 5:The PDP Team will review and verify the PDP by April 1. Clarification of discrepancies between the PDP Team and the candidate will occur by June 1. Year 5:Submit DPI license application, fee, and PDP verification signature form to DPI to obtain another Professional Educator License – June 1.

15 Master Educator Stage Voluntary 10 year renewable license available by completing: Wisconsin Master Educator Assessment Process Portfolio assessed documenting mastery of Wisconsin Educator Standards Professional Contributions Improved student learning Assessed by DPI-trained WMEAP team Master’s degree OR National Board for Professional Teaching Standards Certification

16 Components of a PDP Step 1: Reflection Step 2A: Description of school/position Step 2B: One goal connected to student achievement “I will…so that…” Step 2C: Rationale for goal – must include two standards Step 2D: Plan for assessing and documenting the goal

17 Local Considerations Connecting your goal with a local district goal may enable you to collect student achievement data more easily The connection may give you more opportunities for activities Assessing your professional growth in the teacher standards can be easily done by using the rubrics from the New Teacher Project for Wisconsin

18 PDP Components, continued Step 2E: Plan to meet the goal includes 3 objectives: I will research… I will implement… I will assess… Must include activities and timelines that extend through the licensure cycle Must include collaboration Objectives must be observable and verifiable

19 PDP Components, continued Step 3: Annual Review in years 2, 3, 4 Must include reflection; may include revisions; should show documentation of team review Step 4A: Documentation of Completion 3-5 artifacts with description and relationship to the goal; documentation of professional growth and student learning

20 Possible Artifacts Teacher Growth Self assess on Continuum Student survey Lesson Plan Observer/observation reports Evidence of collaboration Record of strategies Journal Videos with commentary Mentor reports Transcript or other documents from a class for credit Workshop documentation Student Growth Assessment scores local, state, national Video tapes Student work Student projects Student surveys Each piece of evidence must be labeled, described and reflected upon.

21 PDP Components, continued Step 4B: Final Reflection and Summary Step 4C: Plan Verification by PDP Team Must include completed PDP forms including reflections, artifacts and goal approval form. PDP Verification Form is signed by Team if PDP is approved and then sent to DPI.

22 Required Evidence of Successful PDP Completion Annual review of PDP by educator and team Summary and reflection statement Increased proficiency in standards shown through standards rubric Growth indicators Improved professional knowledge Improved student achievement Collaboration

23 The PDP Process The Professional Development Plan: is evidence-based documents targeted professional growth is based on the WI educator standards and demonstrates an impact on student learning.

24 A Completed Plan Successful completion of the PDP Shows evidence of professional growth Shows evidence on the impact on student learning Provides a summary of professional growth Provides a summary of the plan’s effect on student learning

25 Major Themes Shared vision of professional quality Collaboration to create a commitment to learning Reflection on performance Continuous professional growth Focus on student learning

26 How must school districts support Initial Educators? Must provide collaboratively developed, on- going orientation to Initial Educator Must provide Support Seminars reflecting the standards and district goals Must Provide a qualified, trained mentor to the initial educator Must Provide access to an administrator on the Initial Educator PDP team

27 Mentor Qualifications The mentor Is an educator and a colleague Is trained to provide support, assistance and feedback to the Initial Educator Is not part of the formal employment evaluation process Is not part of the Initial Educator’s PDP team

28 Osceola School District PDP plan will: Provide state required components Provide clear framework for PDP Provide fall PDP work session Provide spring review session Provide electronic shared folder of resources Provide “in-house” PDP Team

29 PDP Trained Team Members Renee Gothmann Arvid Maki Pam Kaiser Amy Gillespie Julie Bender Sue Turner Abby Jensen Cathy Oscarson Rebecca Styles Dawn Western Kristin Boileau Jane Maki More being trained this fall

30 Creating a Culture of Collaboration Ultimately, a school’s culture has far more influence on life and learning in the schoolhouse than the state department of education, the superintendent, the school board, or even the principal can ever have. --Roland Barth (2001) Learning by Heart