The Effect of Autonomous- Assisted Classroom Teaching on College English Listening Ability Beijing Institute of Tourism Fan Guangli
2 1 Introduction The development of network-based multimedia technology brings opportunities to the teaching of college English listening course. Many journal articles are for the idea that traditional classroom teaching can not meet the versatile needs of the new era.
3 Some (Tian, 2007, Cheng et al 2006) even set up zero class-hour teaching model, aiming at promoting students’ language ability and forming self-study habits. And Professor Su Dingfang (2004) proposes that autonomous learning can not merely be regarded as independent study.
4 Phil Benson (2005) Practices associated with the development of autonomy can be classified under six broad headings. resource-based approaches, technology- based approaches, learner-based approaches, classroom-based approaches, teacher-based approaches.
5 On the basis of analyzing -- traditional listening course and autonomous listening practice -- students background and their language base -- requirement of their future work the following 2 hypotheses are put forward:
6 (1) The complimentary model is preferred to foster students’ listening ability when their English is relatively at lower level (2) The combination of formative and summative assessment will enhance students’ self management and autonomous learning ability
7 2 Methodology 2.1 Subject Non-English major 4 year full- time students, 54% art, 46% science. 36% as 1 priority, 20% as supplement, 44% has lower score. Lower self assessment
8 Table 1: Pretest Scores
9 2.2 measurement 2 pairs of tests and a questionnaire Pre-test vs. Level 1 Final Aims to decide the experimental group – 06 Management 3 (59) and 06 Food and Nutrition (64); and the control group – 06 Finance (61) and 06 Management 1 (64)
10 Table 2: Level 1 Final
Level II Mid-term vs. Level II Final
Questionnaire 16 groups of multiple choice questions and 1 open question -- Starting year of their formal listening course -- Main approaches of English learning outside class -- Main strategies applied in learning listening -- Their self assessment -- Their attitudes towards autonomous listening and classroom teaching etc.
% no formal listening course 13.8% from senior high school 34.5% from middle school 7.6% from primary school
Steps preparatory steps
15 Table 4: Range Analysis
Implementation Experimental group: Normal class + after-class autonomous study Control group: Normal class every other week + Autonomous study every other week
Material -- Listening -- Role play -- Oral practice From Level 0 – Level 9 Each level has units Level 3-6 correspond to CET 1-4
Assessment Daily score 40% from self study Mid-term 20% from outside school Final 40% mostly from outside school
19 3 Conclusion -- More time to do listening -- Form good self study habits -- Higher score -- Pay more attention to basic skills
20 Weaknesses Pretest vs. Posttest Daily score
21 References (英)本森. 自主性研究与教学 [M]. 北京 : 外语教学与研究出版 社 程威,黄红娟. 浅谈 “ 零课时 ” 听力教学模式 [J]. 当代经理人 束定芳. 外语教学改革 : 问题与对策 [M]. 上海 : 上海外语教育出版 社,2004 田仙枝. 英语听力零课时教学中 ” 卡片法 ” 的渗透与思考 [J]. 中国成人教 育 文军,朱国振,程艳琴,邢春丽. 大学英语传统视听说教学模式和网 络交互视听说模式的对比研究 [J]. 外语与外语教学 项军平, 周光明. 基于计算机和网络的大学英语听力自主学习实验研 究.[J] 湖南师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)
22 Thank you!