Napa Salt Marsh Restoration Project 2010 Status Update.


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Presentation transcript:

Napa Salt Marsh Restoration Project 2010 Status Update

Overview Ponds 1 – 5 – –Restoration constructed completed in 2006 – –On-going monitoring (biennial reports) Ponds 6 – 8 – –90% Design Completed in 2008 – –Corps Process to finalize design, bid construction, and implement construction – –Permitting in progress

On-Going Monitoring Activities Sedimentation plates and erosion pins Invasive plants General water quality As funding allows: – –Bird counts (USGS) – –SNPL and LETE – –Vegetation colonization – –Aerial photographs of restored ponds – –Outboard slough bathymetry (USGS) – –Biosentinel fish monitoring Discontinued: – –Water levels Not yet begun: – –California clapper rail presence/absence call surveys (until presence is confirmed); are doing surveys in existing marsh – –Salt marsh harvest mouse presence/absence surveys (until presence is confirmed)

Ponds 6 – 8 Design Developed by URS All managed ponds Bittern removal at Pond 7 Allows for integration of recycled water pipeline Currently in review at Corps Issues to be resolved: Level of flood protection Development of control logic (include in construction contract)

Ponds 6 – 8 Corps Process (cont.) Project Partnership Agreement between Corps and DFG Technical review by Corps – –District Quality Control Review (DCQ) = “peer review” – –Safety Assurance Review (SAR) for flooding concerns – –Agency Technical Review (ATR) – –Independent External Peer Review (IEPR) – –Value Engineering (VE)

Ponds 6 – 8 Corps Process, cont. Biddability, Constructability, Operability, and Environmental (BCOE) review All levels of review include comments and responses Conduct bid process – –Permits must be in place before bid package can be released – –Determine contract type – –Prepare bid package – –Pre-advertisement notification (30 days) – –Advertise (30 days) – –Review bids and award contract (15 days)

Ponds 6 – 8 Corps Process, cont. Implement construction – –Pre-construction submittals – –Anticipate 1 season for Ponds 6 and 6A – –Anticipate 2 seasons for Ponds 7, 7A, and 8 – –Estimated 10-year bittern removal period Conduct monitoring – –Pre-construction – –Construction – –Post-construction Up to 5 years cost-shared for Ponds 6 and 6A Up to 10 years cost-shared for Ponds 7, 7A, and 8 – –Maximum Corps contribution is limited by policy

Ponds 6 – 8 Design QUESTIONS?