Performance Management: Show-Me State Style! March 2010 Mara Campbell Missouri Department of Transportation
MoDOT’s Alignment Mission Values Tangible Results Strategies Performance
Meaningful Measures Organized around 18 Tangible Results Around 100 individual measures Senior and mid-level managers involved
Accountability Quarterly review meetings Presentations regarding performance Discuss actions … NOT PLANS!
Tracker Supplements Supplement breaks down measures for internal use Available at Tracker Resource page
Division Trackers Data for daily business operations Measures roll up to Tracker More detailed measures and performance trends
District Trackers Monthly, quarterly and annual measures On-line data collection for several measures Regular performance review meetings
District Trackers
Performance measurement isn’t extra work … Forecast future performance Day-to-day business decisions Motivate staff to new performance levels it is our work!
Past Performance
Best in MoDOT
Best among DOTs
Best in any Industry
Keys to Success… Executive Support/Accountability Linked to customer expectations Cascade of measures Don’t wait for perfect measures
Show-Me Performance Management on the National Level
Comparative Performance Measure Efforts Highway Construction Project Time and Cost - COMPLETED Pavement Smoothness - COMPLETED Highway Fatalities and Serious Injuries - COMPLETED Bridge Condition - Drafted, Final Report in May Incident Management - Draft Report in May
Project Time and Cost “Comparing State DOT’s Construction Project Cost & Schedule Performance: 28 Best Practices from Nine States” April states participated First Effort Good practices are the goal
Pavement Smoothness 32 states participated; report published in 2008 Best practices identified for contractors and agencies To enhance future IRI measurements: recommendations made on equipment,software, and data
Highway Fatalities and Serious Injuries - Safety Report published in 2009 States poised to go with three-year moving average number of annual fatalities Serious injuries needs a great deal of effort to have a comparable definition
Bridge Condition Started Sept. 2009; final report due in May states in initial surveys Initial promising measures based on : –Sufficiency rating –Structural deficiency –Deck rating –Posted bridges
Incident Management Started Dec. 2009; final report due in Sept states invited to participate 18 states accepted so far (62 TM Centers) Comparing two clearance times
Common Concerns and Issues Comparable definitions and data collection Cost of data collection/analysis/usage Useful practices and sharing of knowledge and self - improvement is the goal not punishment Top leadership commitment Need to construct measures in a local way, build support, have guidelines or standards for comparability, get buy-in from all states
Next Steps Measure by measure - Support and guidelines/specs underway by NCHRP Technical Panel 20-24(37) Institutionalize process for comparisons - sharing results learning form each other Look at - lessons from abroad: AUSTROADS and the European Community Get ahead of the curve to help influence the authorizing environment
Questions? Thank You! For more information, contact: Mara Campbell Missouri Department of Transportation (573)