CSF C alifornia S cholarship F ederation
What is CSF? California Scholarship Federation is a state-wide scholastic institution that recognizes and fosters pride in academic achievement by encouraging students to take a prescribed schedule of courses.
Board Members PRESIDENT- Niel Patel VICE PRESIDENT- Kelsey Kobayashi TREASURER- Shayan Parto SECRETARY/PUBLICITY- Vinit Parekh SENIOR OFFICER- Sara Saberi/ Tiffany Nguyenfa
Advisors Ms. Otero (Room 107) Ms. Leiman (Room 320)
Applications (Spring Semester) $10 application fee: SOPHOMORES, Juniors and Seniors Transcripts (full name) Payment at Student Center Turn in: In front of Ms. Leiman’s room (320)
Turn in during lunch in front of the rose garden: March 18 th -20 th March 25 th -27 th Reward for first 50 students to turn in their application on March 18 th Application Turn-In
Bring: 1. Application (Student ID preferred) 2. Transcript: 2014 Fall Semester 3. Receipt You MAY NOT have someone else turn in your application *NO APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED AFTER March 27 th
Deadline Deadline: March 27 th (Minimum Day) Applications will be processed for only 35 minutes after school
Lifetime Membership Approved member for 4 semesters: College Applications/Essays/Resume Recognition at Senior Awards Night Gold Sash with pin for graduation Certificate with gold CSF seal