May Meeting
In-Club Opportunities Candy donations for teacher treat bags. We will put the bags together on the following dates: May 6 th & 7 th, homeroom, in the library Anyone who needs last minute hours, be sure to attend. Welcome to Westside meeting May 20 th 5:45- 7:15 Greeting and giving tours of Westside to incoming Freshmen.
Relay for Life In/out-of-club Need Walkers/Volunteers for that night- May 16th Must sign up & turn if forms Must purchase a t-shirt If you are participating, I need your forms by May 13 th. No forms will be accepted after that date. You can also purchase luminaries for $10.
So far I have received permission forms from: Chelsea Rogers Kennedy Barker John Starks Shantelle Willingham Lee Yang Michelle Haynes
Turn in your attendance stamp sheet today. Turn in your service HOUR sheets in as soon as possible.
Election Results President: Megan Brown Vice President: Jacob Oster Secretary: Sydney Thompson Treasurer: Caroline Dunn
Seniors Come to the front to receive your cord. I will give your diploma seal to guidance AFTER you turn in your service hours.