Foundations of the U.S. The Early Days Template from:
Declare Independence? How did they decide to go there? Who IS they?
Lee Resolution Richard Henry Lee proposes the resolution for independence (basically, he made a motion) John Adams seconds it and the debate begins They debate for about a month July 4, 1776 Thomas Jefferson’s edited Declaration of Independence is adopted
National Motto If you were picking our national motto, what would it be? What was important? Remember, it’s 1776…
National Motto What is the motto on “Great Seal"? –E Pluribus Unum What does it mean? Pluribus - "plural" Unum -"unit“ From many, one. What is the national motto? –In God We Trust –Courts have ruled it ceremonial, not religious
The Democratic Process Can you have a democracy if the people are NOT involved?
Participation in the Democratic Process If you must participate for a democracy to function properly, what does that mean? What do citizens (you & I) need to DO?
Results of the Democratic Process Civic Responsibility - people have a responsibility (not a “right”) to vote National Ethos – a common culture of social norms is created Patriotism – it’s like school spirit on a national level
Alexis de Tocqueville 1831 he is sent by France to study our prisons It was a time of reform in the US – Andrew Jackson was President 1835 he published Democracy in America (it’s a book) Why do we care? –His book is used to see how our society has changed or stayed the same He found 5 values that made our government a success
Tocqueville’s 5 1)Egalitarianism (Equality) –Unlike Europe’s nobles & peasants, people in the US were socially equal –The ability for anyone to own land supported equality –Exception: slaves & natives
Tocqueville’s 5 2)Populism (Popular Sovereignty) –Common people were involved in politics –Since everyone is equal, everyone can participate in government
Tocqueville’s 5 3)Liberty –Our federal system of government prevented tyranny by a few –American customs and manners (culture) devoted to liberty –Religious faith strengthened belief in liberty
Tocqueville’s 5 4)Individualism –Didn’t matter what the government said or what family you were from, you could become what you chose –Individuals formed their own organizations (things like charities)
Tocqueville’s 5 5)Laissez-Faire (Hands Off) –Government left the economy to the people and stayed out of business interests –It’s what makes a free-market economy work