Rutgers Multimedia Chinese Teaching System (RMCTS) MERLOT International Conference, August 7-10, 2008
Unit Name RMCTS A comprehensive computer based multimedia curriculum covering all levels Chinese Ching-I Tu spearheaded the development of RMCTS in 1986 Many members at Rutgers University contributed to the site over the past 20 years
Unit Name RMCTS Funding History September 1986 – 1 st Grant from Department of Higher Education of the State of New Jersey – Rutgers Chinese Tutoring System (RCTS) September 1987 – 2 nd Grant from the Department of Higher Education of the State of New Jersey July 1997 – Grant from the U.S. Department of Education (1 st and 2 nd year Chinese) Other supports from Rutgers University and private sources
Unit Name RMCTS Goals To provide a platform that allows Anytime Anywhere Chinese learning To allow substantial practice in Chinese reading, listening and comprehensive drills in grammar and vocabulary To make it possible for other institutions to integrate into their own instructional programs as instructional materials, exercises or tests.
Unit Name RMCTS Content Characteristics Cover all levels Chinese learning Integrate the linguistics, cultural and social information Use both traditional and simplified Chinese characters to accommodate learners of different backgrounds Include Pinyin transcription to assist with pronunciations Add English translations to facilitate comprehension if needed
Unit Name RMCTS Technological Characteristics An user friendly online authoring system Provide audio recording and allow students self recording to improve pronunciation Include various instructional activities to enhance awareness of the target language grammar and culture Use natural conversation rich in cultural and social contexts to train ability to produce contextually and culturally appropriate sentences
Unit Name RMCTS Lesson Focus 1 st year – language learner in an English environment within a university setting – immediate relevancy 2 nd year – travel to China and study the language in a Chinese setting – prepare for an authentic environment 3rd year – on how foreign students adapt to life in a Chinese environment – culture understanding 4 th year – lessons focus on more enduring features of Chinese life and culture – in-depth understanding and critiques
Unit Name RMCTS RMCTS website Demo RMCTS &dept=Chinese&side=practice
Unit Name RMCTS Future Challenges and Issues Seek funding Update technological features Keep Language “alive”
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