North Carolina Institute of Disaster Studies: History & Purpose David Godschalk, Ph.D., FAICP University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Agenda for a Safer North Carolina: Hazards Education, Research, Instruction, and Outreach May 20-21, 2004, Charlotte, NC
Our Past…and Future?
Why Are We Here? 1996 – 2001: Ten Presidential Disaster Declarations Hurricanes Bertha & Fran, 1996 NC Disaster Recovery Task Force, 1997 Hurricane Floyd, 1999 Legislative Study Commission on Disaster Response & Recovery
Legislative Study Commission on Disaster Response & Recovery Cochairs : Reps John Minges, R. Eugene Rogers Recommendations: 1. Tiered Disaster Proclamations 2. Disaster Reserve Fund 3. Long-Term Recovery 4. Disaster Institute 5. Performance Audit 6. Strengthen Local Emergency Management
Study Commission Findings Universities & community colleges possess knowledge on disaster preparedness, response, & recovery: Teaching Research Information & training Currently, universities & community colleges make no systematic effort to collaborate: In disaster research & training With govt. Emer. Man. agencies
Study Commission Recommendation Plan & create an Institute of Disaster Studies: Independent venture created jointly by UNC General Administration & Community College System With advisory board of academic researchers, teachers, & government Emer. Man. officials
Institute of Disaster Studies Purposes 1. To facilitate & coordinate disaster research 2. To respond to State or local officials who request training or technical assistance. 3. To increase flow of grant funds from federal, State, or private sources
Hazard Mitigation & Emergency Management
Institute of Disaster Studies Planning History 2002: Special Projects Grant from Economic Development Initiative of U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (Representative David Price) Seven campus inter-university planning group (NCSU, UNC-CH, UNCW, UNCC, ECU, WCU, ECSU), Community College System, & DEM
Institute of Disaster Studies Planning Timeline July 2001 – Report to Legislative Study Commission November 2001 – UNC Board of Governors grants “permission to plan” February Institute planning group formed July Planning group meets hazard center representatives at Boulder Workshop October 2002 – Planning group writes & submits proposal for Institute January 2003 – UNC Board of Governors grants “permission to establish”
Institute of Disaster Studies Mission Creation of knowledge & transfer of practical intelligence to mitigate against losses of life & property... attributable to disasters of natural, technological, or terrorist origin
Institute of Disaster Studies Research Goal Coordinated program of prioritized research for loss reduction encompassing preparedness, mitigation, response, & recovery
Institute of Disaster Studies Research Objectives 1. Create multidisciplinary, inter-institutional basic & applied research center 2. Create centralized & accessible repository of specialized literature & searchable databases
Institute of Disaster Studies Instruction Goal A n integrated program of instruction... based upon its research inventory as well as knowledge & best practices
Institute of Disaster Studies Instruction Objectives 1. Disaster management degree programs, undergraduate & graduate 2. Technical & professional continuing educational opportunities for practicing professionals, including developers 3. P-12 educational programs curricula on hazard risks in natural & built environments
Institute of Disaster Studies Community Assistance & Outreach Program Goal Immediate assistance to North Carolina communities, which experience natural or technological disaster, or terrorism.
Institute of Disaster Studies Community Assistance and Outreach Program Objectives 1. Create center for hazard mitigation community outreach 2. Provide resources to private sector activities threatened by hazards 3. Form disaster intelligence team to assist state & local officials
Institute of Disaster Studies Organizational Relationships
Institute of Disaster Studies Activities Hazards Researcher Inventory: Meinhold, UNCW Hazards Instruction Inventory: Dougherty, WCU 1st Workshop: “Setting IDS Agenda” ECU UNC Office of President: Research Budget request 2nd Workshop: “Safer North Carolina” UNCC
Institute of Disaster Studies Next Steps Develop viable Institute funding model –Obtain development funds (UNC Office of President request & other sources) –Hire Institute staff; set up office –Pursue research & training opportunities
(Photo: Mike Halminski) Why Are We Here? To Implement An Agenda for Safer NC
Hazard Mitigation & Emergency Management