I am a turkey. It’s Thanksgiving Day. I’m here with my flock, and here’s what we have to say.
We’re really very hungry, so if you don’t mind, please point the way to turkey food, if you’d be so kind.
We’d like some nuts and seeds and berries. Acorns and chestnuts and oats. Beetles and crickets and grasshoppers. That’s what turkeys have for Thanksgiving. Yes, that’s what turkeys have for Thanksgiving.
I am a turkey. It’s Thanksgiving Day. There’s no time to chat, just point me to the buffet.
We know that it’s Thanksgiving, and we do give thanks for all the yummy food out there that will feed our ranks. Ma hal o! Me rci! Ari gat o! Da nke ! Th ank s! Gra cias !
We’d like some fruits and grains and grass seeds. Beechnuts and kernels of corn. Mosses and fern spores and turkey feed. That’s what turkeys have for Thanksgiving. Yes, that’s what turkeys have for Thanksgiving.
We’d like some nuts and seeds and berries. Acorns and chestnuts and oats. Beetles and crickets and grasshoppers. That’s what turkeys have for Thanksgiving. Yes, that’s what turkeys have for Thanksgiving.
Gobble Freely! Gobble Freely!