Okay, so why do we do “labs?” Well, cuz we’re trying to support or refute a hypothesis. DUH! That’s called… A CONTROLLED EXPERIMENT! Let’s do one…shall we
Warm this up please 1. How do we test a valid scientific hypothesis? 2. What are three types of variables that scientists use in that thing that was the answer to #1? 3. Which of the variables is there only one of and why?
Figure this out…please We have three types of soil…A, B, & C. Each group will be using a different soil. We are gonna measure how much growth there is. Soooo… 1. What question are we trying to answer? 2. How are we going to try to answer it? 3. What materials will we need to do this? 4. Can we do this safely? In school…this stuff is provided for you…in real life…nope!
A Few ?’s Before We Start 1. What question are we trying to answer? 2. What is our manipulated/independent variable? 3. What is our responding/dependent variable? 4. What are three controlled variables that we will have? 5. What units will we be using if we measure length, mass, and volume?
What Does a Hypothesis Look Like? Good Question…glad you asked I think that soil____ will be the most effective in growing this type of grass because it contains more_____than ___ or____. _____ is important to plant growth because it helps them to_______.
What to do…step-by-step 1. You will get a sock, bring it to your partner and decorate it. 2. Put a small graduated cylinder on the electronic balance. Read the mass of the cylinder. Add 5 grams of grass seed to the cylinder. 3. Pour the seeds into the bottom of your sock. 4. Put three x 100cc beakers of soil into the sock. Be sure you write down whether you used soil A, B, of C. 5. Make as many qualitative and quantitative observations as you can. 6. Place the sock in the designated tray.
Okay, so now… Read the directions and we’ll go through them step-by- step. SAFETY WILL ALWAYS BE THE #1 PRIORITY! If you don’t understand what to do…ask!